The Noble Swan is a symbol
A Caregiver’s virtue and grace
It glides across the glassy lake
As if a seamless pace

Yet beneath the water’s surface
Feet churn feverishly fast
Its efforts and deeds are hidden
Its strength and fortitude vast

Each day you make sacrifices
To show those you love, you care
You’re dedicated, kind and loving
You constantly show you’re there

No, we don’t see many things
You do for others each day
Your noble surrender to those you love
Is hidden along the way

I know some days and nights for you
Are tougher than the rest
I know sometimes your heart is breaking
Your days are packed and pressed

These days are so much harder
Than they were not long before
And still we see you smiling
Days on end, taking on more

This little verse is a token
Of how grateful we all are for you
Caregivers make the difference
Thanks for all the things you do

There is never a day that goes by that I don’t hear a story about the endless service that a son, daughter, wife, husband, family member or friend makes to care for someone they love. Even though their actions are exceptional, they hold on to one precious thread – the continued action to fight for the quality of life for their loved one is based upon an incredible amount of sacrifice. Many give up great parts of their lives voluntarily, and sadly some, lose jobs, their health diminishes, and they can face their own set of challenges due to the stress that they endure, including addiction, weight loss or gain, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease and more.

I am hopeful that as you listen this month to our podcasts and guests that we have on the show, that you will think about the thousands of individuals in our own back yard who are putting their lives on hold to help someone they love. If you know of someone, remember what they do and who they are.  Show them appreciation, or even better, do something to show them just how much they matter to the world.

In the words of Rosalynn Carter:

“There are only four kinds of people in the world: those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.”

Caregiving will touch your life. Aren’t we all grateful for you? I know I sure am!

In gratitude,