Financial Wellness

Welcome to the Vitality Revolution!

As we’ve all learned by now, money can’t buy happiness, but financial wellness is key to stress-free living. Knowing that we won’t be going hungry and that we’ll have a bed and a roof over our heads are vital ingredients to a comfortable existence. Even with a modest, fixed income, there are creative ways to find hidden deals and opportunities to afford some of life’s pleasures without spending precious savings. There are people and organizations out there willing to help enrich the lives of senior citizens, and we’ll share how to find them.

Vitality Revolution: The Eight Foundational Principles of Wellness

Discover more about financial wellness with our Decision Guides.

David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

Gift Tax Leverage: Building Generational Wealth & Strong Families

Estate planning expert David T. Phillips explains how proper gifting will not only give the giver fulfillment during their life, it can produce generations of powerful, productive people. He also shows you how to leverage your annual gifts to the max.
David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

Retire Richer With These Tax-Free Investment Secrets

In episode 5 of the Estate Planning Made Easy podcast, David T. Phillips reveals key investments that either postpone taxes or accumulate totally income and capital gains tax free.
David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

A/B Trusts, Protect Your Assets and Avoid Probate

A true estate planning attorney helps you craft a logical distribution plan that has true dynasty provisions avoiding the expenses of probate, blessing multiple generations. In this episode of the Estate Planning Made Easy podcast, David T. Phillips explains how this can be done by ignoring Portability, and establishing an A/B Credit Shelter Trust. Using this little-known estate planning technique, you not only avoid probate, the Credit Shelter “B” Trust can grow to unimaginable sums with absolutely no future federal or state estate taxes. What’s more, this tax-free growth can last as long as there are assets in the trust.
David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

The Taxman and Your Estate

David T. Phillips, CEO of Estate Planning Specialists reveals the importance of exploiting the currently lofty $13.6 federal estate and gift tax exclusion, before it “sunset” or drops down to $6 million on December 31, 2025, known as Tax Doomsday!
David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

The WORST Estate Planning Error That Could Unravel Your Legacy

In the second episode of Senior Resource's Estate Planning Made Easy podcast, expert David T. Phillips reveals the number one estate planning mistake. He also shares the strategy you can implement to avoid that mistake.
David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

Logical Estate Planning to Keep Predators, Creditors, and the IRS from Taking Over

In this debut episode of Senior Resource's new podcast Estate Planning Made Easy, estate planning expert David T. Phillips discusses the importance of estate planning and the difference between estate planning and financial planning. He highlight the consequences of not having a plan in place and the potential challenges that can arise, especially during unexpected events like COVID-19. He also emphasizes the need to regularly review and update your estate plan to ensure it aligns with your current circumstances.
David T. Phillips

How to Prepare Financially for the Unknown

Finance expert David Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about how to anticipate the future by putting a finance plan in place to take advantage of factors that we can control, and account for risks such as longevity, running out of money, potential inflation, taxes, and the needs of long-term care.
David T. Phillips

How to Downsize with an Expensive Home

Finance expert David Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about how a family owning a million-dollar home can downsize most effectively, maximizing their money for the future. He recommends investing some of the proceeds from the sale into an annuity with guaranteed income rider.
David T. Phillips

Senior Finances and Downsizing

Finance expert David Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about finances in the face of a new downsizing trend among Baby Boomers. It's estimated that 54% of Baby Boomers in the U.S. will downsize and simplify their finances between 2024 and 2026. By 2030, Boomers will make up 35-40% of the country's population. David talks about how his firm helps people make choices during this process.
Financial planning

Action Steps For Better Retirement Planning

People who've been retired for a while say they wish they'd saved more of their money and invested it more. They also advise to keep investing in yourself, learning how to do your job better, which gives far better returns than anything you'll get from the investment markets. Retirement Watch CEO Bob Carlson provides Suzanne with action steps to improve you retirement planning. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.

Top 2 Fails in Retirement Planning

Many people fail when it comes to the non-financial aspects of retirement planning, and many miscalculate their longevity, outliving their money. Retirement Watch CEO Bob Carlson joins Suzanne to talk about these aspects of planning. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.

Retirement Has Changed, And Will Change Again

Bob Carlson joins Suzanne to talk about senior retirement finances. Retirement has changed multiple times, and you can expect the details to change again before you retire, meaning you need to keep up or it can cost you a lot of money. Bob talks about changes to Medicare, inflation, and interest rates that affect retirement planning. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Asset management

Finances: The Retirement Squeeze

If you're adequately prepared, you can live a fulfilling life long into your senior years. Bob Carlson joins Suzanne to talk about senior retirement finances, noting that people haven't realized or properly planned for what their real life expectancy turned out to be. Bob's Retirement Watch newsletter is a staple of our partner Salem Media. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.

Asset Management Example for Long Term Care

There are different ways you can remain solvent in your aging years, and there are techniques to maintain and preserve assets. Estate planning specialist David T. Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about the three types of leveraged care solutions and to provide an example of how they work.

Asset Management for Long Term Care

According to AARP, 90% of Seniors would prefer to be cared for in their homes. What have seniors done to make sure this happens? Estate planning specialist David T. Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about long term care strategies to make sure you have care in your later life.
Asset management

Plan for Long Term Care While You’re Healthy

Most baby boomers haven’t planned for a long term care event, considering that only 1 in 30 have a long-term care policy and only 7% of adults over age 50 own any form of Long Term Care insurance. David T. Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about how to reposition our assets in order to have funds available for a long term care event.
Asset management

Today’s Long Term Care Crisis

David T. Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about a crisis in Long Term Care and how it is seriously negatively impacting Americans. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness featured on the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Financial planning

Nitty Gritty Senior Finance Questions

Will people hit their goal for retirement? Like getting out the good china, we rarely think about our post-retirement finances. Brynne Malone, the owner and founder of Aging Solutions NW, joins Suzanne to talk about how a financial manager considers your circumstances holistically.
Financial planning

Life Book: A Non-Invasive Family Finance Tool

A professional finance manager can craft a life book to document your assets, income, and expenses – or for your senior loved ones – and how it insulates mom and dad from feeling like they're sharing too much with their family. Brynne Malone, the owner and founder of Aging Solutions NW, joins Suzanne to talk about life books. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness featured in the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Financial planning

Family Finance Trip Wires

Brynne Malone, the owner and founder of Aging Solutions NW, joins Suzanne to talk about trip wires when it comes to the financial plan for your aging years, or the finances of your senior loved ones. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness featured in the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Financial planning

Family Finances: Talking With Your Parents

Do you have a financial plan to move forward in your aging years? Do your senior loved ones have a plan? Sometimes it's hard to bring up those topics with them, but if you get asked to serve as power of attorney for a family member, it's your business to find out. Sitting down with a senior finance manager might be a great way to bridge you to this information in a non-invasive way. Brynne Malone, the owner and founder of Aging Solutions NW, joins Suzanne to talk about how to talk to your parents about their family finances. Financial wellness, knowing you have resources to maintain your life, is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness featured in the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.

Navigating the Financial Struggles of Family Caregiving

Family caregiving is an essential and compassionate role, but significant financial challenges should be addressed. By acknowledging these challenges and seeking appropriate solutions, caregivers can work towards alleviating the economic strain and focusing on providing the best care for their loved ones without sacrificing their financial stability and well-being.