home health options

Suzanne joins Kelley Smith at CarePartners Senior Living to learn about the 20 rights included in the Bill of Rights for Senior Residents. One reason people are hesitant to move into assisted living is a fear of losing autonomy — they believe someone’s going to tell them when to get up, when to go to bed, when to eat dinner — and who wants to live like that? Every community with senior living type of license has a resident Bill of Rights. In this segment, Suzanne and Kelley discuss the first five rights.

  1. To be treated with dignity and respect.
  2. To be given informed choices and opportunities to select or refuse service and accept responsibility for the consequences.
  3. To participate in their initial care service plan and any revisions or updates at the time changes occur.
  4. To receive information about the method for evaluating their service needs and assessing the costs for their services provided.
  5. To exercise their individual rights that do not infringe upon others or the rights or safety of others.

Learn more about CarePartners at their website.