Bereavement and Grief Counselors are especially trained in understanding the process of dying and helping the family members and loved ones adjust to the transition of one’s passing. They can work with the entire family, or individual counseling.


They can help by:

  • Helping families adjust to sudden passing of a loved one
  • Working with a surviving spouse to begin living life again
  • Educating about the dying process
  • Working collaboratively with families and the dying in coordination of Hospice Care, Funeral Planning and their final wishes
  • They can in some cases facilitate support groups and family mediations
  • They can help family members adjust to daily life by providing tools in healing


The death of a loved one can be debilitating. In the case of the death of a senior parent, it is common to see families coping in different ways.  Grief can cause division and devastation to the family unit.

For a caregiver’s life, after being consumed by caring for a loved one, it can be a life changing and devastating adjustment.

Grief and Bereavement counseling can help in numerous ways to get your life back on track.


You may need a grief or bereavement counselor if you are having challenges adjusting to life after the loss of your loved one.  Challenges can include:

  • Adjusting to life after caregiving
  • Lack of a new life purpose
  • Lack of motivation to forward
  • Symptoms of depression
  • Using food, drugs or alcohol to numb the pain
  • Family conflicts in adjusting to the loss


All states have a different criteria to qualify individuals who counsel and consult with families in this capacity. Check your state’s criteria to determine what the requirements are, including:

  • Registered Counselors
  • Clergy or Ministerial training
  • Consulting background

As always, you research the counselor’s experience, and ask specifically about the issues you are dealing with to determine if they are the right fit for your situation.


Bereavement and Grief Consultation Radio Show Segments

  • How Senior Living Can Help Those Grieving

    Grief can be overwhelming, and for seniors going through it, it’s a powerful effect on our bodies. Kelley Smith at CarePartners Senior Living talks to Suzanne about how to hep, buy paying attention, being available, taking action to support loved ones, honoring that they need time to work through the process. This segment talks about what a senior living community needs to know to provide the right help for someone working through the grieving process.

  • Action Steps to Support Those Who Are Grieving

    Kelley Smith at CarePartners Senior Living has talked to Suzanne about senior dynamics and what families are going through regarding grief. This segment is about things to do, steps you can take, actions. Don’t offer advice unless they ask for it. They need someone to listen. It’s hard to be around someone who’s sad, but be nice, it’s better for them to be around people. It’s heartwarming to be invited somewhere even if you feel depressed enough not to want to get out of bed.

  • How To Support Those Who Are Grieving

    Kelley Smith at CarePartners Senior Living joins Suzanne to talk about grief. With the loss of a loved one, Kelley talks about how to support those who are in the grieving process.

  • Grief and Seniors

    Kelley Smith at CarePartners Senior Living joins Suzanne to talk about grief. How many of us have lost loved ones during the pandemic, having illnesses resulting from the pandemic, taking care of spouses or loved ones who are struggling? We turn ourselves inside out while caring for a loved one. Kelley shares insights about grief, how people process grief, and how we can be better at supporting and helping those working through the grieving process.

  • How to Adjust After the Caregiving Journey Ends, with Kelley Smith

    Kelley Smith at CarePartners Living talks about the end of the caregiving journey, after your loved one has passed, to find a new purpose.