Era Living Matt Bromen

Era Living‘s Human Resources Director Matt Bromen joins Suzanne to talk about recruiting staff, and his secret sauce for keeping staff members for a decade or more at the company.

Matt says, “I don’t know if it’s a secret so much as really great people. The secret is the people. I would love to take credit for the cement… the cement really started with Eli and Rebecca Almo, and the mission and values. And I know it’s cheesy, and any HR Director is going to get on a podcast as say how important their mission and values are, but our mission and values are extremely important to us. That is the cement that binds us together, staff, mangers, home office support, we are all here because of our mission and values.”

Matt adds, “When we’re interviewing people, we’re really interviewing with our mission and values in mind, respect, integrity, innovation/improvement, teamwork, and excellence. Those things we interview for, particularly when we’re looking at leadership positions, knowing that if you hire the right people in management roles, then staff stay with those managers. Staff don’t generally stay with companies, they stay with managers.”

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