Recent Studies indicate that 95% of seniors want to “age in place” in their aging years as opposed to retirement living. With the advancement of services for seniors, technology and home design, more and more seniors have the option to do just that. To many seniors, moving away from home symbolizes the death of an era — the letting go of family memories, their independence of making their own decisions, and their ability to remain independent. In many cases, with a few changes and modifications, staying in the family home can be a viable option.

New businesses are emerging, new technologies, and the professional expertise to ease Mom & Dad’s functionality at home has never been greater. According to a study done recently by AARP there have been significant increases to seniors building on to their adult child’s home. There are also over 55 apartment living dwellings that provide the support of a community, activities, etc., without having to pay for the high cost of retirement communities that have the overhead of medical and healthcare staff.

Even as needs increase, Mom & Dad do have options much longer than they used to have.  In addition, home services have increased to fit lifestyles and budgets.

If you feel like your parent or senior loved one is a strong candidate, bear in mind that there are also challenges. Over time they will need assistance as they age. They will also need a network of people to care for them, should they face circumstances that they have reduced mobility, memory issues, or other types of health challenges. That equates on whether they will still be able to drive, have access to services, and finally, financially afford living independently throughout their lives.

There is also a concern for isolation.  It’s common for a senior to cut themselves off from activities as getting to them and having the sustenance to involve themselves. Family and friends tend to get busy with their own lives, and the fall-out from being isolated can mean the escalation of Alzheimer’s or Dementia. It can also mean not eating right or being in an environment that is full of accident hazards.

If the plan is to have your senior loved one live their aging years independently, there are several things that really should be addressed in advance. Mainly — BE PROACTIVE. Build relationships with companies who can help them in the long term as your loved one ages in advance will help you over the long haul. Companies you should interview and secure relationships with are a home care provider, a transportation company, a meal preparation company, pre-plan and pay for burial/funeral expenses, and identify the best medical providers and hospital that your loved one will need to go, if there is a medical emergency.

Creating relationships means to find reliable, reputable services that you know up front, how they charge, how they operate, and what their programs are. It also means properly vetting them.  How?  In the interview make sure you check references. Google the business, for user and customer feedback on sites like Angie’s List, Yelp, or  Remember, the life of your loved one is in their hands. Given previous economic times, many individuals are putting shingles out to target the senior population. Because it is a growing market, do your research on who you hire. Today, seniors can be victimized through caregiver theft or abuse, maintenance or handyman services ripping them off or not honoring contracts. They attract themselves to seniors with a cheaper price and a smile, and often times this “economical choice” can prove to be devastating on many levels.

The good news is that there are many types of reputable and reliable businesses to serve your senior loved one to live at home. They include:

Home Caregiving Services: If Mom & Dad need a bit of help around the house, the first tendency is to jump to help them on your own. A home care agency can provide companionship, help in dressing, showering or bathing.  They can help with cooking, cleaning, and general domestic care that Mom or Dad may have a challenge with. They can run errands, take them to the grocery store, doctor appointments, and also be a valuable member of the team in keeping you informed on the progress and state of your senior loved one.

Transportation Companies: If Mom & Dad are living at home, but cannot drive, there are some great independent transportation companies emerging. According to our Transportation Expert, Dano Smith of Mohawk Mobility in Arizona, many medical professionals such as doctors and dentists are no longer able to, due to liability concerns make key transfers from wheelchair to table or chair.  These transportation companies are well versed in all the things that can happen during a visit to the doctor, transferring to/from wheelchairs, doctor examination tables, or a dentist chair, and can help in this process.

Home Modification and Accessibility Contractors: Seek out contractors who specialize in making homes accessible. There are also individuals who can survey your parents’ home to advise on where to place grab bars, or what doorways may need to be widened to accommodate wheelchairs or walkers. They can make furniture recommendations or modifications, or they can give good solid recommendations on some simple things that can be done in Mom & Dad’s home to help prevent accidents, or simply to make life a little easier.  Perhaps your way of keeping Mom and Dad at home is to move them into your home. Again, with a few modifications, your home can be a wonderful place for your parent to share their lives with the family they love.

Financial Management Companies: Consulting with these types of organizations, seniors can best manage their financial matters to maximize their assets throughout their retirement.  There are bill paying services, online banking resources, and financial planners  who specialize in senior’s retirement issues. They have the understanding of Medicare and Medicaid laws, and can help sustain their financial well-being.

Downsizers! Seek out Home Organizers, Estate Liquidators, or Appraisal Services: The less stuff to deal with, the more streamlined a seniors’ life becomes. Helping seniors to distribute heirlooms to their rightful heirs, and downsizing a home from the clutter can help ten-fold when it is ultimately time for Mom & Dad to move. For many parents, this is a wonderful time for them to become empowered to leave precious things to their loved ones, and to have them enjoy them while they are still with us. They gain a wonderful sense of purpose and accomplishment by being a part of the giving process.

Reverse Mortgage & Long Term Care Insurance: There are many false beliefs about both of these programs and as they relate to seniors living at home. These are both viable options, and if utilized wisely and by a solid professional, can enhance and help those still living at home. A Reverse Mortgage can help fund home care, home improvements, and many extra services to help Mom & Dad finance the help they need. Long Term Care Insurance will also help if home health services or medical intervention is needed — even if Mom & Dad still live at home.

Technology:  Every day there are ways, due to the advancement in technology to help monitor Mom & Dad. Besides traditional home monitoring systems, the advancement in GPS technology can be a significant asset in helping seniors while driving, or installing closed circuit cameras in areas of the home where caregivers and other types of home services may be. Smart panels can also go into new construction to be set according to the evolving need of your senior, which can help if Mom or Dad wanders off, or doors or gates open suddenly. Don’t forget also, if you can train Mom & Dad to use the Internet, tools like Skype, Social Sites, ECommerce, and Email can help them stay in touch and make purchases that they may need.

Overall, the main thing to seek out, is to make sure that Mom & Dad have less clutter, more space, and a steady stream of resources to help. Check out our Decision Guide to learn more.