Retirement coach Larry Jacobson joins Dr. Shawn Weiss to talk about how to find and experience your ideal retirement. Larry’s new book, Your Ideal Retirement Workbook, walks you through the process to build a fulfilling retirement plan, one that provides both pleasure and purpose.

Listeners who buy Larry’s new book can enroll for free in his online video course Sail Into Retirement, which you’ll find here. There’s a place to enter your name, email address, and Amazon order number for your book that takes you to a place to enroll.

Larry says, “If you’re familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, I had achieved self-gratification for myself, but only when I started helping others did I achieve self actualization, which is the top of the pyramid. And that’s what I think everybody strives for. Certainly what I would strive for. So I felt really good about myself and my own accomplishments. But then when I started using that to help other people achieve what they wanted, I started getting that the best warm fuzzies that ever could.”

He adds, “A lot of people, I encourage them to try to get a step-down retirement from the work. I tell this to company, the HR people all the time, is you don’t just let somebody walk out the door, do a step-down retirement where you’re using their wisdom to train other people. And then, maybe after a couple of years they’ve worked their way down, and then gone, I also have a lot of attorneys who are clients and they’re the best, but they’re the worst because they’re so used to working 12 to 16 hour days that they don’t know what else that they could do. I had one client, he not only had his name on the letterhead and on the office door, but on the building, right? So when he retired, he’s like, who am I now? And I said, well, we have to start over. We have to start building what it is that you want to do next, and perhaps use some of your attorneys skills in the next thing that you do.”