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Tag: CarePartners Living

Honoring Senior Loved Ones After the Holidays, with Kelley Smith

During the holiday season, family members tend to visit their senior loved ones around Thanksgiving and Christmas, and then the attention drops off. Kelley Smith describes how CarePartners Living ramps up activities after the holidays to keep the momentum going, so residents don't suffer from loneliness following that surge of holiday attention.

CarePartners Living and the 12 Days of Goodness, with Kelley Smith

Kelley Smith at CarePartners Living talks about 2019’s 12 Days of Goodness events. We're all the 12th Man, and CarePartners Living has a lot of fun with it. Residents light up; they're so excited to make these connections and be involved together. It's one of the happiest events we have.

Considerations for Seniors with Dementia Over the Holidays, with Kelley Smith

If your senior loved one is dealing with Alzheimer's or Dementia, we still encourage a visit over the holidays. If Mom is overly sensitive to lights, turn off the blinking of the Christmas tree lights, because that can be overwhelming. Play music more quietly. Kelley Smith at CarePartners Living encourages families to contact a home care service and have someone come over to help with eating and toileting, to help with the things your loved one wouldn't want you to do anyway.

Family Culture and Traditions, with Kelley Smith

Kelley Smith at CarePartners Living talks about senior loved ones continuing to be honored over the holidays once they are in assisted living. People ask questions about whether to take Mom home over the holiday, can she handle the noise, should we hire a caregiver, what if mom feels isolated in the home because she can't keep up? We suggest that you not make assumptions and see what your senior loved one is capable of.
CarePartners Living's Maryville Cottages

Advantages of Cottages at CarePartners Living, with Kelley Smith

CarePartners Living has a variety of cottage communities catering to those with Alzheimer's and Dementia. Kelley Smith discusses how these cottages create an unconfined, non-medical atmosphere where senior loved ones facing these conditions can get the care they need while still being treated like adults with respect and dignity.

Support for Families Facing Alzheimer’s, with Kelley Smith

Kelley Smith at CarePartners Living discusses Alzheimer's Care during September's Walk to End Alzheimer's, of which CarePartners Living is a major sponsor. The Walk increases awareness for opportunities offered by the Alzheimer's Association, including its support network. Talking about it improves awareness, leading to more research and support.
CarePartners Living's Maryville Cottages

Costs of Senior Care: Assisted Living to Memory Care, with Kelley Smith

Kelley Smith at CarePartners Living discusses costs of various senior living arrangements. An over-55 retirement community can cost $900 - $1500 per month. Independent assisted living with 24-hour caregivers, nurses, full-time activities, and meals can cost $3,000 to $6,000 per month. Memory care ranges from $4,500 to $7,500 per month.

How to Qualify for Medicaid, with Kelley Smith

Kelley Smith at CarePartners Living discusses various Medicaid qualifications. CarePartners Living has the largest floating Medicaid license in Washington state. People are confused over how to qualify for Medicaid. Average costs of assisted living is $5,000 or $6,000 per month. Income and assets are limited, so perhaps one or two years can be paid for out of pocket. Don't wait till they've exhausted their funds before applying for Medicaid. Qualifications include having less than $2,000 in the bank, requiring assistance with at least three activities of daily living, and assets cannot be hidden.

What is a Spend Down? with Kelley Smith

Kelley Smith at CarePartners Living discusses Medicaid qualifications. Let's say that you have $100,000 in the bank. One qualification for Medicaid is having less than $2,000 in the bank, so you would need to spend the rest of that money in ways the state allows, with expenses analyzed for the most recent five years.

Rehabilitative Care at Warm Beach Senior Community, with Scott Ernst

The Warm Beach Senior Community provides post acute and rehabilitative care following hospitalization. Scott Ernst says they fulfill the need for skilled nursing and...