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Tag: Cogir

Paula Sikes, Director of Resident Engagement at Cogir Senior Living

Tips to Help Seniors Connect With Community

Paula Sikes, Director of Resident Engagement at Cogir Senior Living, joins Suzanne to talk about social wellness. She recommends some tips to help people connect with community. Social wellness is a focus in this summer's Vitality Revolution podcast series.
Paula Sikes, Director of Resident Engagement at Cogir Senior Living

Family Helps Our Social Health

How does a family help facilitate senior wellness? Why is it important for caregivers not to isolate themselves with their loved one, but to engage with their friends and peers? Paula Sikes, Director of Resident Engagement at Cogir Senior Living, joins Suzanne to talk about social wellness, a focus in this summer's Vitality Revolution podcast series.
Paula Sikes, Director of Resident Engagement at Cogir Senior Living

Community and Healthier Seniors

Why is social engagement good for our health? Paula Sikes at Cogir Senior Living joins Suzanne to talk about the benefits of community for seniors. Social wellness is a focus in this summer's Vitality Revolution podcast series.