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Daphne Davis, Pinnacle Senior Placements

Ways Families Can Support Struggling Seniors

Daphne Davis of Pinnacle Senior Placements joins Suzanne to offer tips for dealing with complex family dynamics of helping a struggling senior loved one. Be the son and daughter, don't try to parent your parent.
Daphne Davis, Pinnacle Senior Placements

Warning Signs That Mom Is Struggling at Home

When do you start discussing having more care for mom and dad? Oftentimes, people wait too long. In this segment, Daphne Davis of Pinnacle Senior Placements offers the broad picture health analogy of a three-legged stool: hydration, medication, and nutrition, which balance fine so long as all three are done well. Daphne gives us some warning signs that it may be time to have that dreaded conversation with a senior loved one that they could benefit from some assistance at home.
Daphne Davis, Pinnacle Senior Placements

Realizing Mom Needs Help at Home

Daphne Davis joins Suzanne to talk about crossroads and transitions. One of the most difficult parts of aging with families is being unprepared for life's changes. When adult children realize that mom or dad may need some help, broaching the topic can be challenging. A longtime contributor to Answers for Elders, Daphne Davis is President of Pinnacle Senior Placements.

How to Have Difficult Talks with Mom & Dad

Probably one of the most frequent questions I am asked is how to talk to Mom or Dad about their later life care —...

June’s Theme: At the Crossroads

Welcome to the Month of June, everyone. Exactly 13 years ago this month was the time where my family faced a Crossroad in my...