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Fall Prevention

Easy Tips to Prevent Falling at Home

Juli Anne Gibson joins Suzanne to talk about home safety, and a key aspect of this for seniors is fall prevention. Being injured in a fall is the number one reason seniors aren't able to go back their homes and live independently.
avoiding falls

Keep Safe in Your Home with Silver Spaces

National aging-in-place expert Dr. Jill Bjerke on finding and removing dangers in your home with the Silver Spaces App.

Silver Spaces Helps Aging in Place

Dr. Jill Bjerke talks about the Silver Spaces App, which helps you survey your home to make it more aging-in-place friendly.

Aging in Place with Doctor Jill Bjerke

National aging-in-place expert Dr. Jill Bjerke joins Suzanne to talk about steps we can take to maintain quality of life as we get older.

Fall Prevention, part 2 with Shawn Weiss

With winter coming, prepare now to avoid falls in your home or your parents' home. Dr. Shawn Weiss advises checking the outside of the house for safety at entryways, lighting, clearing pathways to avoid tripping hazards. Winter safety also includes shoes and shovels stored nearby. If there are issues getting in and out of the house, add or check the sturdiness of handrails.

Fall Prevention, part 1 with Shawn Weiss

This segment with Dr. Shawn Weiss focuses on how to prevent falls. Fall prevention can be broken down into intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Extrinsic, or environmental, factors involve furniture placement, bed height, seat heights, lighting, rugs, power cords, general clutter in pathways, and so forth. Also, the potential tripping hazards of footwear and clothing. Do you notice whether you or your loved ones have started holding furniture for support while walking?
Shawn Weiss

Fall Prevention with Shawn Weiss

Shawn Weiss talks about fall prevention during the pandemic. Shawn is a member of the Ohio Falls Coalition and Ohio Injury Prevention Partnership, has been a physical therapist for 23 years, and is published in Fall Prevention for Residents with Cognitive Deficits residing in Assisted Living Facilities. She talks about why there has been a rising number of falls and fall-related injuries in the aging population during the Covid 19 pandemic, how we can help senior loved ones whose health may have declined during the pandemic, and provides some community resources to seek out.

Fall Prevention and Health, with Jill Martinez

Jill Martinez, director of community relations for CarePartners Living, discusses fall prevention and health.

General Health Concerns for Seniors, with Kelley Smith

Kelley Smith from CarePartners Senior Living talks about the top concerns family members have for their senior loved ones: nutrition, fall risks, medication concerns, and socialization.

February’s Theme: Health and Wellness

“I’m soooo over it,” was a phrase that a friend of mine expressed to me today, as we have been subjected to one snowstorm...