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Retirement coach Larry Jacobson

Seeking Your Ideal Retirement

Retirement coach Larry Jacobson joins Dr. Shawn Weiss to talk about how to find and experience your ideal retirement. Larry's new book, Your Ideal Retirement Workbook, walks you through the process to build a fulfilling retirement plan, one that provides both pleasure and purpose. Listeners who buy Larry's new book can enroll for free in his online video course Sail Into Retirement.
Denise Medved, Ageless Grace

Ten Easy Minutes to Improve Brain Health

Denise Medved, creator of Ageless Grace brain-health program, joins Dr. Shawn Weiss to talk about how neuroplasticity helps your mind and body. It has numerous benefits, including physical, emotional, and social, all of which are part of this summer's Vitality Revolution podcast series. This year is the 13th annual Ageless Grace retreat. It's Sunday, July 21, from 12-5 p.m. EDT, with a host of online presenters. You can network with them from 11-12 and 5-6. The whole day is just $80 and it's recorded, so if you can't make it, you can register and get the presentations sent to you. If you can come part of the time, you can watch recordings for the others.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

Stop Eating C-R-A-P For Better Nutrition

Nutrition and vitality go hand in hand. Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk about nutrition, part of physical wellness, which is a pillar of the eight foundational principles of wellness, part of the summer Vitality Revolution podcast series.
Legacy Estate Planning attorney Steve Waltar

Benefits of a Living Trust

You want to have documents to protect your wishes, making sure that you leave a legacy behind for your loved ones, and if you become incapacitated — if you need help in your later life, if you're unable to speak for yourself — there is legal proof that honors your wishes. Legacy Estate Planning attorney Steve Waltar joins Suzanne to talk about the value of trusts.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

4 Steps to Feel Better Emotionally

Are you where you want to be at your age? If not, what are some strategies to improve? Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to provide three key ways we can improve how we feel emotionally. 1) Move your body; 2) Have gratitude; 3) Journal positivity; and 4) Try new things.
Positive Wellness Coach Debra Kane

Want to Be Happier? Develop a Growth Mindset

It's important to stimulate our brains in new ways as we grow older. A growth mindset means believing what you're doing, training yourself to believe that new tasks are possible and doable, and uses our brain's natural neuro-plasticity to continue to rewire itself and continue to grow. Cultivating a growth mindset is self-motivating and brings us a sense of accomplishment. Positive Wellness Coach Debra Kane joins Dr. Shawn Weiss to talk about what a growth mindset is, and how we can use it to become happier. This episode on emotional wellness: mindset over 50 is part of the Vitality Revolution summer podcast series on Answers for Elders.
Lisa Mayfield, CEO and founder of Aging Wisdom

Medical Emergencies: How Life Care Professionals Help

Everyone wants to plan ahead. Sometimes you have a parent trying to prevent a crisis, but if something happens, you want to be prepared. Though life care professionals like to help people prevent a crisis, helping families navigate a crisis is the nature of their work. Lisa Mayfield, CEO and founder of Aging Wisdom, joins Suzanne to talk about how life care professionals help.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

20-Week Lifestyle Plan to Reduce Dementia Risk

Practical takeaways from global studies aim to reduce our risk for developing Alzheimer's and dementia. Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk more how to apply these recommendations to our everyday lives. One 20-week lifestyle plan was developed by the Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention Intervention and Care. The plan has four components that focus on diet, exercise, stress management, and support groups.
Rebecca Bomann SASH Services

Overcoming the Top 3 Obstacles to Downsizing

What are the obstacles to downsizing, and how can we get past them? Rebecca Bomann, CEO of SASH Services (Sell a Senior's Home), joins Suzanne to address obstacles people face as well as their solutions. Rebecca says, "I've sat in hundreds and hundreds of living rooms over the years that I've been providing these services, and my clients articulate to me why they don't feel like they can move even though they really want to or need to.
Daphne Davis, Pinnacle Senior Placements

Ways Families Can Support Struggling Seniors

Daphne Davis of Pinnacle Senior Placements joins Suzanne to offer tips for dealing with complex family dynamics of helping a struggling senior loved one. Be the son and daughter, don't try to parent your parent.