I often say, “Caring for a loved one can be the most difficult thing one can do in their lives, but it can also be your greatest privilege.”

The Noble Swan is a symbol of
A Caregiver’s virtue and grace
It glides across the glassy lake
As if a seamless pace

Yet beneath the water’s surface
Feet churn feverishly fast
Its efforts and deeds are hidden from view
It’s strength and fortitude vast

Each day you make sacrifices
To show those you love, you care
You’re dedicated, kind and loving
You constantly show you’re there

No, we don’t see many things
You do for others each day
Your noble surrender to those you love
Is hidden along the way

I know some days and nights for you
Are tougher than the rest
I know sometimes your heart is breaking
Your days are packed and pressed

These days are so much harder
Than they were not long before
And still we see you smiling
Days on end, taking on more

This little verse is a token
Of how grateful we all are for you
Caregivers make the difference
Thanks for all the things you do!

This Month of March, Answers for Elders Radio Show focuses on: CAREGIVING!
I especially chose March to honor you because it is the month of my mother’s birthday. My world was redefined through caring for her and discovering the world of being a Caregiver. Through caring for her I reinvented myself and discovered a greater purpose for my life, as I know you can for yourself through this process. As I honor my mother’s birthday even though she is no longer here on earth, I celebrate the many gifts I was given in my life because I had the honor of caring for her.

March also identifies itself as “coming in like a lion, and going out like a lamb.” That is also the way most caregiving for seniors experiences happen. We often are thrust with an enormous responsibility. Studies show that 80% of families are unprepared for what lies ahead for a senior loved one, and often, families come apart at the seems if a senior loved one has a sudden illness that requires ongoing care. It often results in caregiver stress, and burnout. It can create division among siblings and complete overwhelm for everyone. Yet as long as the loin lasts, caregiving can end abruptly in the stillness, grief and emptiness of their loved ones’ death.

Don’t make the mistakes I made in my journey! I learned all of the things you will learn this month the hard way! Instead, it’s imperative that you make yourself a priority, taking care of yourself and setting healthy boundaries. Focus on effective communication with family members, and opening your limiting thoughts to allow greater things into your life through this experience. I promise you — Life will get better and you will discover things you never knew about yourself through this process!

We hope that through the podcasts you listen to here in the Month of March that you will find some new insights and discoveries for making the quality of your life and your senior loved one better. Make sure you join our Senior Advocate Network to receive our March Newsletter: Sage Advice.

In closing, I just want to extend my sincerest thanks to each and every Noble Swan who put even a little bit of your lives on hold to care for a loved one. Take some time to be good to yourself! You deserve it!
