Discover Senior Living
Adjusting to the New Normal with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements tells caregivers: know that you're doing your best. When you've gotten feedback from family or friends, take it...
CarePartners Living: Gratitude for Families
Susan Dale with CarePartners Living: Families that come to us are very overwhelmed, don’t know where to start or what’s the process, especially when they come in for the holidays.
Questions to ask a Senior Living Community Before Moving In
If you are looking for a senior living community for your loved one, visiting one at a time can be overwhelming! Make sure you...
How to Assess the Best Living Solution for a Senior
Hello Everyone! It is my pleasure to share information with you about care and housing options outside of the home for an elder. After...
Creating a Successful Foundation for Your Parent’s Senior Living Move
In my world I speak with dozens of families per year who struggle with their concerns about a parent that lives in their home...