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Steve Waltar

The Trouble With Joint Tenancy: Estate Planning

Although Joint Tenancy offers some short-term conveniences, in the long run it poses a host of problems that can cost you and your loved ones many times the expense and headaches you thought you were avoiding. Estate planning attorney Steve Waltar with Legacy Estate Planning joins Suzanne to talk about the difficulties of using joint tenancy while trying to plan your estate.
Steve Waltar

Your State Does It If You Won’t: Estate Planning

If you don't file estate planning documents, your state will do it for you, perhaps not the way you expect. Estate planning attorney Steve Waltar with Legacy Estate Planning joins Suzanne to talk about various options available when planning your estate, what happens when you list beneficiaries, generally how wills work, living wills, living trusts, and Medicaid planning.
Steve Waltar

Guarantee Your Wishes Are Honored: Estate Planning

Estate planning attorney Steve Waltar with Legacy Estate Planning joins Suzanne to talk about having an estate plan. Families run into gotcha moments where they discover a loved one hasn't files certain documents, or haven't made plans, and are left to second guess what they want. In this segment, Steve introduces the concept of estate planning and different types. Most people don't want it to be a curse, but a blessing, and it's about protecting yourself during your lifetime. Make sure your wishes are honored they way you want to be honored.
David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

Gift Tax Leverage: Building Generational Wealth & Strong Families

Estate planning expert David T. Phillips explains how proper gifting will not only give the giver fulfillment during their life, it can produce generations of powerful, productive people. He also shows you how to leverage your annual gifts to the max.
David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

Retire Richer With These Tax-Free Investment Secrets

In episode 5 of the Estate Planning Made Easy podcast, David T. Phillips reveals key investments that either postpone taxes or accumulate totally income and capital gains tax free.
David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

A/B Trusts, Protect Your Assets and Avoid Probate

A true estate planning attorney helps you craft a logical distribution plan that has true dynasty provisions avoiding the expenses of probate, blessing multiple generations. In this episode of the Estate Planning Made Easy podcast, David T. Phillips explains how this can be done by ignoring Portability, and establishing an A/B Credit Shelter Trust. Using this little-known estate planning technique, you not only avoid probate, the Credit Shelter “B” Trust can grow to unimaginable sums with absolutely no future federal or state estate taxes. What’s more, this tax-free growth can last as long as there are assets in the trust.
David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

The Taxman and Your Estate

David T. Phillips, CEO of Estate Planning Specialists reveals the importance of exploiting the currently lofty $13.6 federal estate and gift tax exclusion, before it “sunset” or drops down to $6 million on December 31, 2025, known as Tax Doomsday!
David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

The WORST Estate Planning Error That Could Unravel Your Legacy

In the second episode of Senior Resource's Estate Planning Made Easy podcast, expert David T. Phillips reveals the number one estate planning mistake. He also shares the strategy you can implement to avoid that mistake.
David T. Phillips: Estate Planning Made Easy podcast

Logical Estate Planning to Keep Predators, Creditors, and the IRS from Taking Over

In this debut episode of Senior Resource's new podcast Estate Planning Made Easy, estate planning expert David T. Phillips discusses the importance of estate planning and the difference between estate planning and financial planning. He highlight the consequences of not having a plan in place and the potential challenges that can arise, especially during unexpected events like COVID-19. He also emphasizes the need to regularly review and update your estate plan to ensure it aligns with your current circumstances.
Estate planning

Why You Need to Grant Powers of Attorney

Elder law and estate planning attorney Andrea Lee joins Suzanne to share advice and tips for legal planning to help you age gracefully in a situation that you like. Andrea Lee serves as an attorney for Legacy Estate Planning in Belleville, Washington. The power of attorney document is a critical tool to let your family help take care of you when you're in a crisis situation.