Pinnacle Senior Placements
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Phone: 855-734-1500
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Daphne has a strong business and entrepreneurial background. She has held management positions or owned her own business since 1985. Because of the positions of responsibility she has held, she has been able to enjoy the freedom of implementing the credo of “doing the right thing for the right reason every time.” She was introduced to senior care in 2001 and continues to enjoy serving elders and their families.
Daphne has enjoyed being a hands-on mom for the last 20 years to two boys; attending family, school and sporting events while still having a full time career. She is married and lives in the Kent, WA area. Her interests include playing the organ/piano for choir and church services, traveling both domestically and internationally with her husband and friends.
- How to Assess the Best Living Solution for a Senior - Hello Everyone! It is my pleasure to share information with you about care and housing options outside of the home for an elder. After 18 years of helping families discern what the best form of care, and in what environment, is best for their loved one, I have witnessed one common theme in all families; an overwhelming sense of not knowing what they don’t know. Let’s learn a bit of jargon in the elder care industry. What does independent living, assisted living, memory care and adult family home care mean? What can you expect from each environment? What factors should be considered when choosing a care and housing option for your loved one? Whew! Just typing those last sentences gave me a sense of being overwhelmed to break down this information succinctly. Why you ask? “She is a professional and to talk about this subject should be easy.” I will tell you why. Every person is a unique individual and no one fits into a standardize box of care. So, with that in mind, I am going to have to make some generalizations that will most likely not fit for your loved one. Your loved one is unique and will… …Read More
- Expert Spotlight: Meet Daphne Davis - “Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reason, Every Time.” By Suzanne Newman For those who are regular listeners to the Answers for Elders Radio Show, we all know Daphne Davis, who through her company; Pinnacle Senior Placements, works with seniors to find them the right living situation based on their individual needs and values. Since 2001, Daphne has been a loving and consistent voice for seniors in her work here in Greater Puget Sound, and each time I have referred her to a family, I get similar feedback. They all say things like, “WOW! She is awesome!” “I thought this would be so hard as my Dad was not willing to move, but after he met with Daphne, all of a sudden, he is on board!” “I didn’t know how we could afford assisted living for my mom, but Daphne made it happen!” I have been privileged enough to work with Daphne on a few occasions, and I have to say that she is one of the most heart-centered people I know! When I first got to know her, I received a call from a family in distress. I called Daphne at 5PM after telling the family that it… …Read More
Radio Show Segments
- Vetted Experts: National Placement and Referral Alliance
Daphne Davis from Pinnacle Senior Placements in Seattle, Washington joins Suzanne Newman on the Answers for Elders Radio Show to talk about providing nationwide assistance for people seeking answers.
Daphne says, “When you’re looking for someone to help you guide you through this maze of options, ask for referrals in terms of what are other families — and I would specifically ask for, I want to know about your hardest ones. You know, I want to know about the ones that you had to work hard. What was the outcome? And it doesn’t have to be all rosy. We’re human beings, right? We know that things can go sideways. That’s the uniqueness of each story.
“I am president of the chapter in the State of Washington for NPRA, the National Placement and Referral Alliance. It is a trade association specific for referral and placement agencies. They have a code of ethics that they are developing nationwide, much like you would think of the Bar Association for attorneys, but certainly not at that level of sophistication. It allows me to be able to have vetted people in most states that can provide the level of guidance that I would want for for any of my clients.
“And so that really does my heart well in terms of being able to be a part of Answers for Elders and having this nationwide presence, that we can start to establish a a litmus, a benchmark of what consumers can expect. And the other piece that NPRA does is really focuses on legislation about family choice, being able to protect our seniors and not being bombarded by a constant information that’s not appropriate or feeling like they don’t have choice. So that’s something that NPRA is very, very focused on. I wanted to share with you that information on how can I help people nationwide when I’m sitting in the Seattle greater area.”
Daphne adds, “It’s very hard to know who I’m supposed to trust these days. And so there’s there’s some ways of just vetting people through NPRA. There’s a test that’s designed specifically for referral agencies, and you can look for a little CPRS [logo], which is Certified Placement and Referral Specialist, and it’s very akin to little letters behind someone’s name. CSA, Certified Senior Advisor. And the difference between the two is the CSA is broad — it’s for many, many different disciplines of help and support to our senior communities — and the CPRS is specific to [people] like myself. So that’s one thing that you can look for.”
Reach Pinnacle at 1-855-734-1500 or visit
Learn more:
- Pinnacle Senior Placements at Answers for Elders
- About Daphne Davis
- Hear more podcasts with Daphne Davis
Check out our affiliate podcast Alzheimer’s Speaks.
- 5 Tips to Choose the Best Referral Agent
Daphne Davis from Pinnacle Senior Placements in Seattle, Washington joins Suzanne Newman on the Answers for Elders Radio Show to share her top five tips for choosing a referral agent, specifically to help you find medical assistance for a senior loved one, or to choose a senior living community for them.
- Meet face to face.
- Make sure they can refer you to every available option, not just the ones they have contracts with.
- They will go with you when you tour facilities.
- They will stay with you and help during the transition time.
- Make sure you are comfortable enough to ask questions and share family secrets.
Reach Pinnacle at 1-855-734-1500 or visit
Learn more:
- Pinnacle Senior Placements at Answers for Elders
- About Daphne Davis
- Hear more podcasts with Daphne Davis
Check out our affiliate podcast Alzheimer’s Speaks.
- Need to Move Mom? How to Do It Right the First Time
Daphne Davis from Pinnacle Senior Placements in Seattle, Washington joins Suzanne Newman on the Answers for Elders Radio Show to talk about why and how to choose a referral agent to help with making choices about a senior parent.
Daphne says, “When you don’t have enough information about making a really serious decision or consequential decision, inevitably what I have found is that people have to make another decision in a very short amount of time. What is the right fit for my mom or dad? I don’t want to limit it to just talking to adult children and talking about your mom and dad, but let me just generically paint that picture. Even if you’re looking for yourself, having enough information so that you don’t have to move again is probably one of the things that could motivate consumers to want to explore a referral agent.
“Many times we can think we can do this ourselves [with] a computer and the Internet… But in this scenario, people are very unique, and they do not fit into a cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all group… It’s so important to me to find to be able to meet the loved one. And I don’t I don’t care if it’s for 2 minutes or 2 hours. There’s a uniqueness in the energy of your loved one that is important to pick up on. And that’s one of the things that in choosing a referral agent, make sure that they’re not going to just work off of piece of paper of symptoms and general allergies… Inviting a professional to help you in figuring out where is your mom or dad right now, or where are you right now in the journey of life? What chapter of life are you in to have someone be able to come in and take a snapshot picture of today?”
Daphne adds, “What are our highest values in making this move? Why are we making this move? What are the things that have to exist in this new place called home for your loved one? Once you’ve established what those highest values are, then you as a family — and I’m going to just talk as a family — you can keep each other accountable to that litmus to that list of highest values and not get in the weeds, but mom really liked doing Fill in the Blank. And she was 40 years old when she did that… So sticking to what are the highest values, that’s what a referral agent will do, will help walk through discovering what are the important things to talk about.
“I’m going to generically say in our later years in life, whatever number that starts out, but 80, 90 years old, being able to to say, what is it today? Yeah, Dad used to like to go out and go fishing and he still has that interest, but he’s not fishing anymore. But now he wants to talk about it. Or now he wants to educate other people about how fishing, or he wants to be proud of his collection of fly fishing poles, whatever it is… it’s not choosing a community that he gets to go out on the river and go fishing.”
Reach Pinnacle at 1-855-734-1500 or visit
Learn more:
- Pinnacle Senior Placements at Answers for Elders
- About Daphne Davis
- Hear more podcasts with Daphne Davis
Check out our affiliate podcast Alzheimer’s Speaks.
- How to Find the Best Referral Agent
If you’re faced with the daunting challenge of helping a senior loved one find medical assistance after an injury or choose a senior living community to move to, you’re not alone. Daphne Davis from Pinnacle Senior Placements in Seattle, Washington joins Suzanne Newman on the Answers for Elders Radio Show to talk about finding a referral agent to help answer those questions.
Daphne says, “I have 25 years of being able to see some patterns in this industry of housing and care for elders and seniors. What I’m seeing now is a lot of hesitation and people not sure who they can trust. I’m seeing families come to me and say, ‘I just don’t have enough information. Why are people not telling me what’s going on with my mom or dad? I don’t know what direction to go.’ It used to be this way Medicare covered X, Y, and Z, and now I’m finding out they don’t cover that anymore…
“If you think of a hospital and what used to happen there was, you had something get diagnosed or responded to in the E.R., you had some time to recover. If you have surgery, you have some time to recover. That’s not the case anymore. Now they ship you off to rehab… and, well, what’s rehab, what’s skilled nursing, what is this? And what can I expect there?
“Do I take mom home? Do we do in-home care? Do we contract through our insurance, Medicare insurance? Do I have P.T.A. and speech therapy come in? Do I go to an assisted living? Physical therapy or occupational therapy? Or do I look at assisted living?”
Daphne adds, “What are you going to get when you have chosen someone to help you, whether it be in a referral agency, or a moving company, or an elder law attorney? I’m really looking forward to talking about the subject of, what do you look for in a referral agent? We do have referral agents available nationwide. Each state has their own requirements of what a referral agent can and can’t do. And some states are more sophisticated about having requirements in terms of how to run their business.
“In general, I get to come in, hear the story, do some research, go on a tour, show you what’s available out there, and then you, the family, have some guidance to make an informed decision.”
Reach Pinnacle at 1-855-734-1500 or visit
Learn more:
- Pinnacle Senior Placements at Answers for Elders
- About Daphne Davis
- Hear more podcasts with Daphne Davis
Check out our affiliate podcast Alzheimer’s Speaks.
- Ways Families Can Support Struggling Seniors
Daphne Davis of Pinnacle Senior Placements joins Suzanne to offer tips for dealing with complex family dynamics of helping a struggling senior loved one. Be the son and daughter, don’t try to parent your parent.
Daphne says, “My first golden tip would be: if anyone has an opinion, or wants to be a part of a process, or will have a thought about what should happen with mom and dad, they need to be involved in gathering the information from the very beginning. Everyone needs to hear the conversations, everyone needs to get the printed matter. Even if they say ‘I trust you, you take care of it,’ because inevitably we’re curious people, we’re gonna ask a question and the person who’s at the front line is gonna go, ‘I’ve done all this work already. I’ve narrowed it to these things. You said you trusted me.’
“Those conversations need to be collective. I encourage people to have a third party. If you have a situation where someone lives out of town — or the relationships between child and parent are strained, or very different, or there’s 19 years between the oldest and the youngest siblings, there’s gonna be different perspectives — have these conversations together.
“The other thing that I would really suggest is having it agreed upon by all people involved that we are going to stick to the following highest values, which means you go through a process of discovering what are the highest values from your perspective with a child. What is an example of that? Mom could never give up her gardening. She’s got to have some kind of place to be gardening. That’s a high value. If they’re going to assisted living or independent living, she’s got to have a garden. Dad has to have a TV room, dad has to have his own space, he has a collection that he has to keep. There might be something from a religious point of view. They might need to be close to their church or their synagogue. There might be a difference in perspective concerning finances. Mom and dad have money, let’s just assume they have some money that they can privately pay for their own care, and they’ve worked hard for that. And one perspective is they should spend their money on themselves. But mom or dad says no, no, no, we gotta leave something for our kids.”
- Pinnacle Senior Placements website
- More podcasts with Daphne Davis
- Check out our affiliate podcast Alzheimer’s Speaks
- Consider In-Home Care For Ailing Seniors
A senior loved one has had a hospital stay, and now they want to go home. Or their insurance is running out and they need to return home to recuperate. What are their options at home for care? While at the hospital, talk to a social worker about in-home care, which can supplement help from a spouse and other family members. Daphne Davis of Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about considering the various services available to families that Medicaid can pay for.
Daphne says, “It happens all the time.Because mom or dad was at home already, and husband and wife were making this work, the natural place to go is back home. And that’s not a bad thing to do, if you have the services available to help you. I encourage people to talk to a social worker if they’re coming out of a rehab situation, or at the hospital, to talk to the social worker and ask them about in-home care. That is something that can supplement the family supporting mom or dad. And it can be a little bit expensive, and nationwide I’d say probably an average is about $40 to $45 an hour. There’s usually a four-hour minimum. So there’s some restraints on that.
“But it’s a time that you can leave the rehab and have a cushion, of somebody to help mom or dad in the morning, let’s say to start their day. Or it might be more to end their day, or it might be to make sure there’s three meals prepared, or something like that, but it’s a good way to transition back home, if in fact it can be successful at home.
“The other thing is, I caution families to put too much stress on themselves. You’ve got your siblings. ‘Mom and dad have taken care of us all of our lives. We can take care of them now.’ And that is good for the short term, but not the long term. And I’ll tell you why: your relationships will suffer. And your primary relationship, as son or daughter to your mom or dad, will change. And the stress level increases — that’s transferred to your mom and dad. Now the healing process is going to slow down. They’re stressed because they feel like they’re bothering you, because you’re in the sandwich generation, and you’re running kids to soccer game and taking care of mom.”
- Pinnacle Senior Placements website
- More podcasts with Daphne Davis
- Check out our affiliate podcast Alzheimer’s Speaks
- Warning Signs That Mom Is Struggling at Home
When do you start discussing having more care for mom and dad? Oftentimes, people wait too long. In this segment, Daphne Davis of Pinnacle Senior Placements offers the broad picture health analogy of a three-legged stool: hydration, medication, and nutrition, which balance fine so long as all three are done well. Daphne gives us some warning signs that it may be time to have that dreaded conversation with a senior loved one that they could benefit from some assistance at home.
Daphne says, “Are you finding a medication on the floor that’s underneath the dining room table, because it just slipped out of their hand when they walked from the kitchen to the dining room? Think of that big broad picture. Let’s say mom and dad are living in the home, and you help with supplementing some grocery shopping, and you’re seeing the same foods around, or even the box of saltine crackers that they asked for isn’t opened yet. Or you bring over a meal or two a week, and there’s very little taken out of it. You’ll say, mom, you haven’t eaten, it’s your favorite dish, and she’ll, she’ll say, ‘well, I just wasn’t hungry.’ That’s a sign. Everyone needs calories to make their body work. If it’s not fueled, it won’t work. Your body is a machine and it needs high-octane fuel. You can still have your ice cream, but you gotta get some protein.
“Let’s say that they’ve lived in the same house for 60 years, and the furniture has been exactly the same way for 60 years. All of a sudden you’re seeing them touching the back of the furniture as they walk, or they’re touching the wall, or they’re using their next hand, that they’re taking a step with, to reach for the chair that’s in front of them. Furniture walking. It’s not a terrible thing to do because your loved one has figured out, how do I keep myself safe? But there’s something behind that ,in terms of maybe a balance issue, maybe lightheadedness, weakness in their muscles, something’s going on. That’s a sign.”
- Pinnacle Senior Placements website
- More podcasts with Daphne Davis
- Check out our affiliate podcast Alzheimer’s Speaks
- Realizing Mom Needs Help at Home
Daphne Davis joins Suzanne to talk about crossroads and transitions. One of the most difficult parts of aging with families is being unprepared for life’s changes. When adult children realize that mom or dad may need some help, broaching the topic can be challenging. A longtime contributor to Answers for Elders, Daphne Davis is President of Pinnacle Senior Placements.
Daphne says, “Post pandemic, what I’m seeing is that families are really trying hard to have their loved ones stay at home for as long as they possibly can. And I think that comes from a number of places. No one wants to leave their home. There’s no place better than home, and we’re going to figure out how to make that work. But I think there’s another piece that’s happened, and that’s in terms of having trust, and knowing who can you trust to help you navigate this whole world of care outside of your home. When we were back in that pandemic time, we got to see what it’s like to rely on a caregiver who’s taking care of 15 to 25 people. And so we got scared, and we said, oh my gosh, I can do this. I know I can do it.
“We’re waiting way too long to give support to our elders. I’m just gonna say it. It’s hard to hear. Having a bandaid to the professional care of what your family may need is not helpful on many levels. One, the quality of life for your parent and their ability to have a quality life every month of their life, it should never decline. There are ways to keep it happy, even though it’s going to change.
“Families are really at odds with each other. I’ve been doing this for 25 years and I have never had such dissension within families and not be able to help them get on the same page. Each state has different offerings. And so it’s really important for you, the families, to be able to connect to somebody who can help you navigate within your own state system. That’s very important because what we can do in Washington doesn’t happen in New York.”
- Pinnacle Senior Placements website
- More podcasts with Daphne Davis
- Check out our affiliate podcast Alzheimer’s Speaks
- Family Caregiving, Part 4: Financial Concerns with Daphne Davis
What is the job description of a family caregiver? In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements focuses on changes in financial management in senior care. The costs of senior care is skyrocketing.
- Family Caregiving, Part 3: Legal Concerns with Daphne Davis
What is the job description of a family caregiver? In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements focuses on the legal side of family caregiving and what Daphne sees when they’re dealing with legal aspects.
- Family Caregiving, Part 2: Healthcare Concerns with Daphne Davis
What is the job description of a family caregiver? Often a caregiver is overwhelmed by medical terminology. In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements focuses on what go on in the hospital.
- Family Caregiving, Part 1: An Overview with Daphne Davis
With the arrival of fall, it’s businer at Pinnacle Senior Placements. People recharge their batteries during the summer, as we get back to the realities of life, recently Daphne Davis has seen an increase in younger sons and daughters having to help senior loved ones in their 70s: People in their 30s and 40s with full-time jobs and children are being faced with these challenges. Some families are dealing with cognition challenges from Parkinson’s, and some very young people are having strokes. Young people are coming face-to-ace with terms like power of attorney, what does it mean that they can’t see their loved one in a hospital, what services are available. Many have asked for guidance navigating the maze of our hospital system. In this segment, Daphne talks about these challenges.
- You Are Not Alone, Part 4 with Daphne Davis
How often have you felt alone in this process of caring for a senior loved one? In this hour, Daphne discusses how you’re truly not alone. It’s just a matter of reaching out for hope to build relationships with a team of people who have the best interests of your loved one at heart. In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about caregiver guilt after senior living choices have been made and your senior loved one has moved, and also talks about the repercussions of the decision with the pandemic.
- You Are Not Alone, Part 3 with Daphne Davis
How often have you felt alone in this process of caring for a senior loved one? In this hour, Daphne discusses how you’re truly not alone. It’s just a matter of reaching out for hope to build relationships with a team of people who have the best interests of your loved one at heart. In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about what goes on with families during this time when you’re a caregiver.
- You Are Not Alone, Part 2 with Daphne Davis
How often have you felt alone in this process of caring for a senior loved one? In this hour, Daphne discusses how you’re truly not alone. It’s just a matter of reaching out for hope to build relationships with a team of people who have the best interests of your loved one at heart. In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how it works when Daphne and Pinnacle is invited to have an opportunity to get to know you and your senior loved ones, who you are as people.
- You Are Not Alone, Part 1 with Daphne Davis
How often have you felt alone in this process of caring for a senior loved one? In this hour, Daphne discusses how you’re truly not alone. It’s just a matter of reaching out for hope to build relationships with a team of people who have the best interests of your loved one at heart. You need to feel comfortable asking any question. Pinnacle can help with senior living decisions. While some choices are different during the pandemic, many are universal with families. In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements shares some recent stories about helping seniors.
- Staying Connected After the Move, with Daphne Davis
Now that our parents have moved, how do we relax together and how do we stay connected? Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements explains that no conflict is worth coming apart at the seams with your family, and this discussion focuses on family healing, advocacy and communication.
- Staying Connected Before the Move, with Daphne Davis
Before our parents have moved, the family still needs to come together to make decisions regarding the move. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about many considerations families don’t think through. It can be overwhelming to go from a quiet family home to a community with 80 other residents. Generally if someone can advocate for themselves, and if they have good safety awareness and judgment, an assisted living solution can be successful. If either of those is missing, you’ll run into isolation or falls.
- Healing: Sibling to Sibling with Daphne Davis
This hour is about healing discourse in families. In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements focuses on the healing of siblings. A nearly universal theme is the perception of what a parent can and can’t do, and where they need help. Another common one is cognition issues: is there short-term memory loss with your parents? Evaluating cognition challenges within a family can be challenging, as one day you could have a coherent conversation with your dad, but the next day he could be delusional, and that’s completely normal. Sibling to sibling arguments about what a parent can do can lead to misunderstandings. Having a third party determine a baseline is the best route to go for their dignity and safety.
- Healing Overview with Daphne Davis
As families come together again, there’s a lot of new strife, anxiety, mistrust of information, and trouble coping with change. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements explains how each family has a unique story, dynamics and different perspectives. Sometimes there’s discord when making decisions about senior loved ones and the transition to senior living. Even in a family with lots of information, families can be completely wrong about what’s available. A need for healing comes from that discord or a sense of loss at seeing your parents in a different role.
- Embracing Summer, part 4 with Daphne Davis
In this hour, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how to reduce stress, embrace summer and get back out into the world, with those you haven’t seen in a long time. This segment focuses simpler big adventures such as having a barbecue in the back yard, or visiting a park or arboretum, or visiting grand children. Remember that we’ve not been active for 15 months, and our bodies can stiffen up during a car ride, so plan for rest breaks, or stop for ice cream along the way.
- Embracing Summer, part 3 with Daphne Davis
In this hour, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how to embrace summer after our seniors have been isolated for 15 months. This segment focuses on one option, a longer trip such a family vacation, or perhaps a reunion or a drive or flight to visit a family member in a nearby state. Daphne provides advice on how to help your senior loved ones be less stressful during the journey. You may need to learn some new things. If she’s flying, for instance, you may need to call ahead and arrange for them to have an escort in the airport. For instance, Daphne’s mom can walk the distance, but considers whether she would be able to get to the gate on time to make the flight.
- Embracing Summer, part 2 with Daphne Davis
In this hour, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how to reduce stress, embrace summer and get back out into the world, with those you haven’t seen in a long time. In this segment, Daphne focuses on advice to help your mom or dad transition if they haven’t been out during the pandemic. Daphne gives advice and tips even with the logistical functions of simple things, like getting into a car and securing their seat belt. Reassure them that it’s OK to have help, best smart even with the simple things.
- National Placement and Referral Alliance, and Embracing Summer with Daphne Davis
In this hour, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how to reduce stress, embrace summer and come out of the shadows of the pandemic, and how to do that with senior loved ones. This segment focuses on a reminder that even if you’re just picking up your mom with a car, prepare for things to take longer. Take time to chat with them and think about things that might be different in their lives. For instance, ask if they’re stressed about going out, are they cold, do they have everything they need, and so forth. If you’ve noticed changes with your loved one, and Daphne also talks about a groundbreaking national organization with a Washington chapter that can help people those types of situations, the National Placement and Referral Alliance at, a group that is elevating the placement industry with ethics and best practices nationwide. They take the time to give you firsthand information about care options as they embrace the next stages of their life.
- Embracing Summer, part 1 with Daphne Davis
In this hour, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how to reduce stress, embrace summer and come out of the shadows of the pandemic, especially in the beautiful scenery of the Pacific Northwest, and how to do that with our senior loved ones. Though conditions vary by state, many want to just move forward, after discovering our true values and how important our family is. Be true to yourself, do things that have high value to yourself. Figure what the risks are and how to mitigate them. Maybe it’s a road trip, the key thing is to plan for whatever you’re doing. Slow down from our usual fast pace, plan for things to take longer with our senior loved ones.
- Preparing for Transitions Part 4: Shifting Responsibilities, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about helping families every day to go through the transitions process. How do you prepare yourself as children and as the person moving during the actual physical changes? There are emotional changes, physical responsibilities that are no longer yours. She talks about how to shift your perspective to having a caretaker be your eyes and ears for your loved ones, how to build that trust, and how to help your loved ones build trust with their caregivers.
- Preparing for Transitions Part 3: Downsizing, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about the logistics of a move from a house to a senior living situation, as well as the medical issues and state requirements. You’re downsizing, selling your home, you need delineated piles for downsizing, and lots of people get overwhelmed with it all. It’s a universal issue, it’s normal. There are people to help with those things.
- Preparing for Transitions Part 2: Have Help, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how to prepare for transition time, the early stages. Moves don’t often happen right away, but it’s important to be prepared. Pinnacle helps facilitate conversations about change. Change is very difficult for some people, but someday you’re not going to be able to keep up the yard, or go up and down stairs. Don’t make this topic the elephant in the room.
- Preparing for Transitions Part 1: Be Proactive, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about new transitions as things are opening up from the pandemic. A lot of families are thinking about how to being the transition from living at home to a senior living situation. Take this one step at a time. Have these conversations sooner than later, before there’s an emergency, is commendable, as it can take six months to a couple of years of conversations. Lots of matters should be addressed early, such as having legal documents in order: power of attorney for medical and legal matters, who’s the executor of their will, and so forth. It’s important to have input from decision makers while they still can make those decisions.
- Role Reversal, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how everyone needs the confidence to speak their mind from a place of kindness, but as families begin to face these sorts of challenges, the parent/child relationship often gets in the way.
For instance, the child wants their parent to continue making decisions, while at the same time the parent may have reached a stage in their life where they think they’d like to have help with certain things yet they have this parental role where they feel they need to maintain their image, or level of responsibility,or their authority. So both parties really want to come together in the middle but don’t know how.
- Out of State Questions, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements discusses what is involved when you face decisions regarding care for your senior loved ones when they live in a different state than you do.
- Living in the COVID Reality, Part 2, with Daphne Davis
In this two-part show, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements discusses how to move forward with our senior loved ones during the COVID-19 reality. In this segment, Davis tells a story that started 2 1/2 years ago about senior care.
- Living in the COVID Reality, Part 1, with Daphne Davis
In this two-part show, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements discusses how to navigate senior care options with the reality of the pandemic as of May 2021. While things are changing, no matter what your decisions are — to have a COVID shot or not, to be in senior housing or not — there are options for your senior loved ones. We’re still changing from phase to phase in the state of Washington, but pay attention most to how the changes affect your life and your decisions. Your senior loved one can still receive quality care even if they haven’t gotten a vaccine.
- Supporting Caregivers, Part 3, with Daphne Davis
In this three-part show, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements provides some tools and tips of the trade for family caregivers. One thing that’s key is for the caregiver to reach out to others whenever they’re feeling weary. And for other family remembers, remember that you’re not walking in the shoes of the caregiver.
- Supporting Caregivers, Part 2, with Daphne Davis
In this three-part show, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements provides some tools and tips of the trade for family caregivers. One thing that’s key is for the caregiver to reach out to others whenever they’re feeling weary. And for other family remembers, remember that you’re not walking in the shoes of the caregiver.
- Supporting Caregivers, Part 1, with Daphne Davis
In this three-part show, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements provides some tools and tips of the trade for family caregivers. One thing that’s key is for the caregiver to reach out to others whenever they’re feeling weary. And for other family remembers, remember that you’re not walking in the shoes of the caregiver.
- End of Life Care, Part 4, with Daphne Davis
In this four-part show, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about end of life care. In this segment, Daphne addresses first steps to take. In this segment, Daphne talks about some of the details, including the executor of their estate.
- End of Life Care, Part 3, with Daphne Davis
In this four-part show, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about end of life care. In this segment, Daphne addresses first steps to take. In this segment, Daphne talks about the benefits of having a third party advisor to help.
- End of Life Care, Part 2, with Daphne Davis
In this four-part show, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about end of life care. In this segment, Daphne addresses first steps to take.
- End of Life Care, Part 1, with Daphne Davis
In this four-part show, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about end of life care. In this segment, Daphne tells her story.
- Family Member’s Home or an Adult Home? Part 4, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements explores the question of whether we should move mom or dad into our home, a very common question recently. This segment addresses the emotional and spiritual aspects of caring for someone in your home. Inter-generational bonding is priceless, and there’s a heartwarming aspect.
- Family Member’s Home or an Adult Home? Part 3, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements explores the question of whether we should move mom or dad into our home, a very common question recently. This segment addresses some of the expenses involved in caring for someone in your home. Remember that they will need to feel productive and contributing. It helps to have a third party help with these conversations.
- Family Member’s Home or an Adult Home? Part 2, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements explores the question of whether we should move mom or dad into our home, a very common question recently. This segment addresses some of the physical concerns needed to address while caring for someone in your home. Issues such as logistics, transportation, accommodating loved ones with dementia, and there are many aspects of a care plan to look at.
- Family Member’s Home or an Adult Home? Part 1, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements provides an overview of family transitions today, how to best take care of senior loved ones. What does this look like for families today? In the last few weeks, a question that’s come up more often is whether to have a senior love one move into your home. It comes up in light of the pandemic and issues of whether you’re able to visit your parents or not in senior living situations. In this segment, we highlight topics to talk about with your parents and others in your family when considering having a loved one move into your home.
- Looking Forward to 2021, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about looking forward to 2021 and bridging towards a new chapter in this new normal.
- How to Connect with Seniors in 2021, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about about connecting with seniors during COVID.
- Adult Family Homes, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about adult family homes.
- Holidays during COVID, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about using Zoom and other creative ways to reach out to our family members during the pandemic.
- Pinnacle’s Role, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about what you’re grateful for over the holidays. And if you have senior loved ones, how you can help them feel gratitude as well. Daphne talks about how she helps makes things easier for families, even more now than before.
- Practical Gratitude, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about practical gratitude for the holidays.
- Giving Thanks, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about giving thanks over the holidays.
- Vetting and Final Thanks, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about various ways we can be grateful. There are lot of good people with good hearts helping care for our seniors. There are few without good hearts, and one thing to be thankful for is having another partner with you helping to vet those who are helping.
- Preparing for Senior Care, Part 4: There Are Solutions, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about preventing injuries with seniors, and helping you senior loved one’s future in their everyday life. How do you prepare them for changes that could come to honor their dignity and include them in the conversation.
- Preparing for Senior Care, Part 3: If Current Care Is Not Going Well, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about preventing injuries with seniors, and helping you senior loved one’s future in their everyday life. How do you prepare them for changes that could come to honor their dignity and include them in the conversation.
- Preparing for Senior Care, Part 2: What To Look For, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about preventing injuries with seniors, and helping you senior loved one’s future in their everyday life. How do you prepare them for changes that could come to honor their dignity and include them in the conversation.
- Preparing for Senior Care, Part 1, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about preventing injuries with seniors, and helping you senior loved one’s future in their everyday life. How do you prepare them for changes that could come to honor their dignity and include them in the conversation.
- Success Stories with Senior Changes During COVID, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about finding a solution for every senior loved one’s challenges. As we work through the process, she sees joy all the time. Adult family homes have really come through lately, as well as assisted living.
- Connecting with Care Providers During COVID, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about overcoming challenges of communicating with the doctor, nursing staff, social workers, physical therapists at a hospital, rehab community or nursing home during the pandemic.
- Socializing and Interacting During COVID, with Daphne Davis
Adaptive living poses further challenges for seniors at home during COVID. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about ways we can all take advantage of creative ways to be sociable and safely interact.
- Connecting With Senior Loved Ones During COVID, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about adjustments and improvements that have been made for allowing personal access to senior loved ones who are living in senior living environments. Engagement is also possible through Zoom with a tablet.
- Improving Your Perspective During COVID, with Daphne Davis
Some are struggling with living with so many restrictions imposed on us. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements suggests improving your mindset by plying the middle ground between personal compromise and seeing the bigger picture. Try and live “above the line,” not let ourselves get mired in negatively, and it will improve the microcosm of our lives.
- Senior Living Virtual Tours During COVID, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how family members can learn what’s available for senior housing, what facilities are available when COVID prevents personal tours. Don’t let fears of technology keep you from taking advantage of virtual tours and other advances.
- Making Changes to Senior Care During COVID, with Daphne Davis
With the added complications of a senior loved one needing care during COVID-19, families are wondering if making changes will add to the risk factors for senior loves ones. But where and when senior loved ones need care has not changed. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements suggests looking at how changes could be beneficial.
- Caregiving During COVID, with Daphne Davis
In July, 2020, we’re still sheltering in place, especially those of us 65 and older. Going into our fifth month of the pandemic, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about becoming more self-aware of how this isolation affects us, and how it affects caregivers.
- Senior Communities COVID-19 Update with Daphne Davis
With seniors having been in pandemic lockdown at senior communities for more than 120 days, this has been a difficult time for families. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements updates us on where we are in the process and takes an emotional temperature of our seniors.
- Finding Hope During COVID-19 in June 2020, Part 4 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements provides a snapshot of the status of senior care regarding COVID-19. Adult family homes provide a lot of flexibility in care and financing for senior living, and are the easiest for converting finances to Medicaid, to maximize the buying power of each person’s estate.
- Finding Hope During COVID-19 in June 2020, Part 3 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements provides a snapshot of the status of senior care regarding COVID-19. We all crave other connections now, but we need to be mindful of how families are coming together. Here are some success stories.
- Finding Hope During COVID-19 in June 2020, Part 2 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements provides a snapshot of the status of senior care regarding COVID-19. With senior communities on lockdown, families can find help with senior loved ones. Now is the time to reach out for help, don’t do it alone. Get real information that you need and confirm it, because there is a lot of help out there.
- Finding Hope During COVID-19 in June 2020, Part 1 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements provides a snapshot of the status of senior care regarding COVID-19. Now that it’s June, seniors have been in lock-down for 120 days, making it a difficult time for families and bring on some despair for senior loved ones, but there are some success stories as well.
- Operating in the New Normal, Part 4 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about COVID-19 changes and operating in the “new normal.”
- Operating in the New Normal, Part 3 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about COVID-19 changes and operating in the “new normal.”
- Operating in the New Normal, Part 2 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about COVID-19 changes and operating in the “new normal.”
- Operating in the New Normal, Part 1 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about COVID-19 changes and operating in the “new normal.”
- More To Be Thankful For, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements gives us more things to be thankful for during COVID crisis.
- Action Items While Staying at Home, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements gives us some action items while staying at home COVID crisis.
- Things To Be Thankful For, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements helps us think of things to be thankful for during COVID crisis.
- Pinnacle During COVID, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements updates us on how Pinnacle can help during the COVID crisis.
- Daphne Davis’s Wellness Formula: Body, Mind, Spirit
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements discusses aspects of physical health and wellness. This segment focuses on integrating these aspects of body, mind and spirit: having the courage to have conversations, to talk to someone, about having a life of living, vs. one of just surviving.
- Daphne Davis’s Wellness Formula: The Spirit
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements discusses aspects of physical health and wellness: the body, mind and spirit. This segment focuses on our spirit, which covers your happiness level, your spirituality grounding and core that keeps you centered. These are the things that give you a sense of joy, peace, satisfaction, contentment, happiness.
- Daphne Davis’s Wellness Formula: The Mind
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements discusses aspects of your physical health and wellness: the body, mind and spirit. This segment focuses on our mind, various aspects of mental health.
- Daphne Davis’s Wellness Formula: The Body
Valentine’s Day is about connections, acknowledging those you love and appreciate, as well as taking time for yourself. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements discusses aspects of your physical health and wellness: the body, mind and spirit. As we age, there are definitely changes in our body, our machinery. It is a machine and it does need to have some tweaking, some oil changes and tune-ups. Don’t be afraid to do those things to keep our bodies at optimum efficiency. Keep in mind nutrition, medication and hydration.
- Holiday Visits: Seniors With Dementia, with Daphne Davis
Culture, Connections and Celebrations: how to communicate and establish rapport. Some of our senior loved ones may have some communications challenges or issues due to Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements discusses tips for making your visits go better.
- Holiday Visits: Finding Courage, with Daphne Davis
Culture, Connections and Celebrations: how to communicate and establish rapport. For people who haven’t seen their senior loved one in a while, or feel guilty for not having visited in a while and think perhaps that they shouldn’t go. We all have these feelings, and they can grow and grow in our own minds rather than in reality. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about having the courage to get over ourselves. Your senior loved one just wants to see you.
- Holiday Visits: Quality Time, with Daphne Davis
For our senior loved ones, visits are about quality time. Take time for really listening, hearing stories, inviting the stories, giving them a sense of honor, dignity and purpose. And do that in a sincere way. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements also talks about what she specifically does for families when she sits down with them. As an information post for gathering unbiased information on alternatives of living and care outside of the home, she provides the ABCs about housing and care, helps define your values and discuss long-time plans, including how to maximize the buying power of an estate.
- Holiday Visits: Keep It Simple, with Daphne Davis
Culture, Connections and Celebrations: how to establish rapport with our senior loved ones as the holidays approach. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements advises to keep it simple, whatever “it” is. Our current culture is lights, flashy stuff, always being entertained. For The Greatest Generation, simpler things were valued: listening to the radio, singing songs, getting together, having lemonade on the front porch, eating home-cooked meals.
- Veteran’s Day: Honoring Veterans, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about Veteran’s Day, originally Armistice Day, celebrating the official end of World War 1 on November 11, 1918. In 1971, the holiday was expanded to honor all surviving veterans, to thank them for sacrifices they have made to give us our freedom.
- The Alzheimer’s Journey, Part 4 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about when the time comes to make changes. Usually it happens at a catastrophic time. Daphne helps facilitate the change to a care community, helps through all the legal aspects, things that you don’t even think about, walking together side by side through the process. How do you tell your loved one that they’re not able to move back home?
- The Alzheimer’s Journey, Part 3 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about what to do as a family to support a loved one through this journey. In this segment, Daphne talks about spousal relationships, supporting the loved one who has dementia or Alzheimer’s as well as their spouse. At these times, your emotions will always rise above your logic, and it’s crucial to have an expert to consult with.
- The Alzheimer’s Journey, Part 2 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about what to do as a family to support a loved one through this journey. The more lucid and competent your senior loved one is when having the hard conversations and making those hard decisions, the better. Staying independent is important. Call 855-734-1500 if you’d like to consult with Daphne.
- The Alzheimer’s Journey, Part 1 with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about what to do as a family to support a loved one through this journey. Generally, following a formal diagnosis of dementia, there is a lot of denial, but looking back five to seven years prior to the diagnosis, one can recall many symptoms and signs.
- Senior Finances: The Transition to Medicaid, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how to plan ahead when a senior loved one only has a few years worth of assets. There will be compromises, depending on estate values. When you know when and what drives them, you can be prepared for compromises. That comes from working with someone who knows how to project costs outward while honoring today.
- Senior Finances: Family Cost of Care, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements discusses the cost of elder care if family members stay home to care for a senior loved one.
- Senior Finances: Costs of Differing Care, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about finances for senior care. Appropriate, quality, loving care can be found. The elephant in the room: How much do things cost?
- Senior Finances: The Emotional Roller Coaster, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements builds relationships to understand the heart of what’s happening at your family. She also sees the emotional highs and lows behind the logical decisions, and it’s totally normal.
- The Courage to Call, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about making that first call, when people are afraid of interfering. The courage to open the door of conversation resolves unfounded fears. It’s about a loved one’s life, and a loved one’s life is not done if they have to leave their home, if they choose to ask for more support. Life is just taking a new perspective, a new chapter, just as when they got married, had children, when the children left the nest, and when they retired.
- Picking Senior Housing with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements discusses the lifestyle of senior loved ones when senior housing is being considered. The reality is that if their loved ones move into retirement living, some hobbies and interests are hard to pursue without a garage or yard. We consider how to maintain those interests in a fulfilling way, or discover if they might try some new hobbies they’ve been curious about. The goal is to keep their world as big as possible, while still being safe.
- How Daphne Davis Got Started at Pinnacle Senior Placements
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how she got started in the career of senior placement 20 years ago. Chuck Olmstead fills in for Suzanne Newman.
- Spousal Caregiving with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about planning for senior care and the need for the caregivers to think about themselves and their own minds. Caregivers statistically can harm own health if they don’t maintain a good life balance, particularly if the caregiver is the spouse of the senior loved one.
- Aging in Place: Understanding Home Health, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements raises the question: How do you assess mom and dad for the next step? There’s a step of care, home health, brought in if mom or dad have had a stroke or surgery, a temporary service. This can be a confusing topic. In-home care and home health are two different things. In-home care does not require a prescription or an order from a doctor, while home health does. Home health does not do custodial care. Home heath comes after a hospital stay and falls under a medical umbrella and medicare pays for it.
- Aging in Place: How to Introduce Home Care, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements explains how to introduce care into the home. How do you bridge that step? It could be as simple as getting a housekeeper, or hiring someone to do the yard work. There are built-in cultural thought-processes for each generation.