Home Articles Expert Spotlight: Meet Daphne Davis

Expert Spotlight: Meet Daphne Davis

“Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reason, Every Time.”

By Suzanne Newman

For those who are regular listeners to the Answers for Elders Radio Show, we all know Daphne Davis, who through her company; Pinnacle Senior Placements, works with seniors to find them the right living situation based on their individual needs and values.

Since 2001, Daphne has been a loving and consistent voice for seniors in her work here in Greater Puget Sound, and each time I have referred her to a family, I get similar feedback. They all say things like, “WOW! She is awesome!” “I thought this would be so hard as my Dad was not willing to move, but after he met with Daphne, all of a sudden, he is on board!” “I didn’t know how we could afford assisted living for my mom, but Daphne made it happen!” I have been privileged enough to work with Daphne on a few occasions, and I have to say that she is one of the most heart-centered people I know!

When I first got to know her, I received a call from a family in distress. I called Daphne at 5PM after telling the family that it would be likely that Daphne would not call them till the next business day. I even expected to get her voicemail, but instead Daphne not only answered my call and spent time listening to me about the family, but after our call she contacted the family directly that evening. She said to me, “If a family is in crisis enough to call, that means I don’t want them to have a sleepless night waiting. I will work it out and remember this — I strive to do the right thing, for the right reason, every time.” Something I hear her say often!

That also means if a senior isn’t quite ready yet! Maybe it means getting a home care agency to come in to help a couple days per week. Maybe it means help to a senior to get their legal documents in order. Whatever it is, Daphne will help families to make sure there are no crazy surprises, and help be a guide to help seniors in their next steps.

Daphne always puts the needs of each senior in front of her own and has an open heart and sees each senior as a unique individual. Every situation is unlike another. We know that as individual as people are, there are no cookie cutter solutions. No matter what, Daphne is focused on the right solution for that senior.

Daphne truly listens to and respects what is most important to them; their values, their likes, and their dislikes. She takes time to professionally study an overall care plan, and also the financial options available and unique to them. She is also a great bridge builder for families who are at odds to come together on the right solutions for a senior loved one.

The most amazing part of this, is that as a placement consultant, Daphne’s service to families are FREE! She is paid similar to a realtor. She will be your family’s greatest asset, in helping to guide you through the many variables that you may forget to ask or help you understand things you may not know about.

I personally cannot strongly recommend Daphne more to the families here in Greater Puget Sound. I promise you — She will be your greatest ally and will help you family in numerous ways. You can reach her through her website at www.pinnacleseniorplacements.com, or by calling her at 855.734.1500.