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Tag: Long term health care insurance

Andrea Lee

Single? How to Preserve Assets For Retirement

If you're single, it's much harder to plan financially in advance for retirement, as there are more options available for married couples. To alleviate worries about finances and aging, or the possibility of an unhealthy retirement where you might face a chronic illness, you may want to research alternative living facilities on your own ahead of time, or prepare irrevocable trusts to preserve assets. Elder law attorney Andrea Lee from Legacy Estate Planning joins Suzanne Newman on the Answers for Elders podcast to talk about various ways single folks can protect their assets for retirement and beyond.
David T. Phillips

How to Prepare Financially for the Unknown

Finance expert David Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about how to anticipate the future by putting a finance plan in place to take advantage of factors that we can control, and account for risks such as longevity, running out of money, potential inflation, taxes, and the needs of long-term care.
David T. Phillips

How to Downsize with an Expensive Home

Finance expert David Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about how a family owning a million-dollar home can downsize most effectively, maximizing their money for the future. He recommends investing some of the proceeds from the sale into an annuity with guaranteed income rider.
David T. Phillips

Senior Finances and Downsizing

Finance expert David Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about finances in the face of a new downsizing trend among Baby Boomers. It's estimated that 54% of Baby Boomers in the U.S. will downsize and simplify their finances between 2024 and 2026. By 2030, Boomers will make up 35-40% of the country's population. David talks about how his firm helps people make choices during this process.

Asset Management Example for Long Term Care

There are different ways you can remain solvent in your aging years, and there are techniques to maintain and preserve assets. Estate planning specialist David T. Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about the three types of leveraged care solutions and to provide an example of how they work.

Asset Management for Long Term Care

According to AARP, 90% of Seniors would prefer to be cared for in their homes. What have seniors done to make sure this happens? Estate planning specialist David T. Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about long term care strategies to make sure you have care in your later life.
Asset management

Plan for Long Term Care While You’re Healthy

Most baby boomers haven’t planned for a long term care event, considering that only 1 in 30 have a long-term care policy and only 7% of adults over age 50 own any form of Long Term Care insurance. David T. Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about how to reposition our assets in order to have funds available for a long term care event.
Asset management

Today’s Long Term Care Crisis

David T. Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about a crisis in Long Term Care and how it is seriously negatively impacting Americans. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness featured on the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Planning Ahead For Long Term Care Costs

Planning Ahead For Long Term Care Costs, Part 4

Here is a guide to help people who are worried about long term care costs in the future. There are three basic strategies: do nothing, buy insurance, or give away assets. When giving away assets, there are two approaches: direct gifts, and an irrevocable trust. This segment focuses on direct gifts. A PowerPoint presentation accompanies this segment — watch this segment on YouTube’s Answers For Elders channel.
Planning Ahead For Long Term Care Costs

Planning Ahead For Long Term Care Costs, Part 3

This hour, elder law attorney Jim Koewler at the Koewler Law Firm provides us with a guide to help people who are worried about long term care costs in the future. There are three basic strategies: do nothing, buy insurance, or give away assets. In this segment, Jim goes in further detail about buying insurance. There are two approaches: the "traditional" long term care insurance, and having long term care insurance tied to an asset investment.