Denise Medved, creator of Ageless Grace brain-health program, joins Dr. Shawn Weiss to talk about how neuroplasticity works with your mind and body. It has numerous benefits, including physical, emotional, and social, all of which are part of this summer’s Vitality Revolution podcast series.

This year is the 13th annual Ageless Grace retreat. It’s Sunday, July 21, from 12-5 p.m. EDT, with a host of online presenters. You can network with them from 11-12 and 5-6. The whole day is just $80 and it’s recorded, so if you can’t make it, you can register and get the presentations sent to you. If you can come part of the time, you can watch recordings for the others. Denise says, “Anyone can come, nobody is put on the spot, you don’t have to show yourself if you don’t want to, it’s totally up to you how you participate.” Visit to register.

Sign up to receive their newsletter and you will receive a free online 45 minute class. is packed with easily-understandable, downloadable resources and information about brain health.