Fall Prevention
Home Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention with Shawn Weiss
Shawn Weiss talks about fall prevention during the pandemic. Shawn is a member of the Ohio Falls Coalition and Ohio Injury Prevention Partnership, has been a physical therapist for 23 years, and is published in Fall Prevention for Residents with Cognitive Deficits residing in Assisted Living Facilities. She talks about why there has been a rising number of falls and fall-related injuries in the aging population during the Covid 19 pandemic, how we can help senior loved ones whose health may have declined during the pandemic, and provides some community resources to seek out.
Low Vision Seniors and Fall Risks: There are ways to still stay independent at...
As we hit our 50s, most of us are finding it more difficult to read without glasses. We likely wear bifocals, and the changes...
Deadly Falls in Older Americans Are Rising. Here’s How to Prevent Them.
This article appeared in The New York Times in print on June 4, 2018.
“A study published last year found that among adults over 70 who practiced...
In-home Support For Aging in Place, with Daphne Davis
Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about helping our senior loved ones with Aging in Place. How do we support our Mom and...
With a Little Help: Homecare Associates, with Shawn D’Amelio
Shawn D'Amelio talks about CarePartners Living partnerships such as With A Little Help. She is the VP of Washington State Homecare Association, which is...
Fall prevention: Simple tips to prevent falls
For seniors, having a serious fall can be the beginning of turning a bad situation into much worse. Yet, as seniors lose strength, or...
How to Make the Adjustment, with Daphne Davis
How do you help a senior family member adjust, whether it's a move to assisted living or adjust to home care? Daphne Davis at...
Fall Prevention: Checking In, with Tracy Marcom
During Fall Prevention month, be a watchdog for your senior loved one. Tracy Marcom at Cascade In-Home Care asks: What is a family's role...
Fall Prevention: Being a Watch Dog with Tracy Marcom
During Fall Prevention month, Regional Business Development Manager Tracy Marcom at Cascade In-Home Care suggests acting as a watchdog for your senior loved one....
Fall Prevention with Colette Roberge
Fall is time when weather kicks up and we should get a head start on preventing falls. Colette Roberge at CarePartners Senior Living point our there are many hazards around the home or that seniors are doing that can cause falls. What medications are they taking? Are some combinations making them dizzy? Fall is good time for a follow-up with the doctor to assess all their medications. Colder weather brings arthritis, which can also bring falls, and there are also wet decks, icy walks.