Radio Show Podcasts

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Long Term Care Insurance

Raymond Lavine talks about long term care insurance.

Pros and Cons of Reverse Mortgages with Bill Duffy

Bill Duffy at TILA Mortgage talks about the pros and cons of reverse mortgages.

Medicaid with Joanna Van Hollebeke

Joanna Van Hollebeke is a patient financial advocate at Swedish Medical Center Seattle who helps under-insured or uninsured patients with their medical bills.

What Is Estate Planning?

Stephen Waltar from Legacy Estate Planning in Bellvue, WA discusses estate planning. A good estate plan protects what you love and protects your wishes...

Fall Prevention with Beth Deems

Beth Deems at Mission Health Care discusses fall prevention, one of the best things we as caregivers can do for our senior parents. And...

Sound Options Care Line

Mary Lynn Pannen at Sound Options talks about the old Answers for Elders care line, in which people were able to speak with a...

Fall Prevention with Natalie Anderson

Natalie Anderson at OT Plus talks about preventing falls.
Juli Anne Gibson

Real Estate Transitions and Challenges

Founder and CEO Juli Anne Gibson talks about how Real Estate 55 Plus differs from a regular real estate agent. The company can help guide seniors and their adult children in the sale of a home as well as the other components that come into play.

Comparing Home Health and Home Care

Natalie Anderson at OT Plus compares features of Home Health vs. Home Care.

Geriatric Care Management with Mary Lynn Pannen

Mary Lynn Pannen at Sound Options talks about geriatric care management.