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Star Bradbury, Successfully Navigating Your Parents' Senior Years

Successfully Navigating Your Parents’ Senior Years, Part 4

As part of National Caregiver Month, Star Bradbury joins Suzanne to continue the discussion about her 2023 book, "Successfully Navigating Your Parents' Senior Years."
Star Bradbury, Successfully Navigating Your Parents' Senior Years

Successfully Navigating Your Parents’ Senior Years, Part 3

As part of National Caregiver Month, Star Bradbury joins Suzanne to continue the discussion about her 2023 book, "Successfully Navigating Your Parents' Senior Years."
Successfully Navigating Your Parents' Senior Years

Successfully Navigating Your Parents’ Senior Years, Part 2

As part of National Caregiver Month, Star Bradbury joins Suzanne to continue the discussion about her 2023 book, "Successfully Navigating Your Parents' Senior Years."
Star Bradbury, Successfully Navigating Your Parents' Senior Years

Successfully Navigating Your Parents’ Senior Years, Part 1

As part of National Caregiver Month, Star Bradbury joins Suzanne to talk about her 2023 book, "Successfully Navigating Your Parents' Senior Years."
Alzheimer's Speaks host Lori La Bey

Noble Swan: Helping Support Family Caregivers

Lori La Bey, Alzheimer's Speaks host, joins Suzanne to talk about the Noble Swan, an Answers for Elders initiative to help support family caregivers.
Alzheimer's Speaks host Lori La Bey

A Caregiver’s Greatest Needs

Alzheimer's Speaks host Lori La Bey joins Suzanne to talk about what caregivers need most. Lori says they need to be understood, appreciated, supported, not feel alone, and have choice and a voice in how we move forward.
Suzanne Newman

Suzanne’s Experience as a Caregiver

Alzheimer's Speaks host Lori La Bey asks Suzanne Newman about her experiences as a caregiver that led to her starting Answers for Elders.
Alzheimer's Speaks host Lori La Bey

Caregivers: Unsung Family Heroes

Alzheimer's Speaks host Lori La Bey joins Suzanne to talk about caregivers and how we can help support these unsung family heroes.
Florence Klein, Under the Hat: Memoir of an Unstoppable Woman Trailblazer

Florence Klein: How to Be Courageous

Florence Klein, author of "Under the Hat: Memoir of an Unstoppable Woman Trailblazer," joins Suzanne to talk about how she's been able throughout her life to overcome fear and intimidation, lead an inspirational life, and be courageous.
Florence Klein, Under the Hat: Memoir of an Unstoppable Woman Trailblazer

Florence Klein on Senior Loneliness

Florence Klein, author of "Under the Hat: Memoir of an Unstoppable Woman Trailblazer," joins Suzanne to talk about loneliness as a big concern for seniors. Florence says the solution is for seniors to live in inter-generational homes with young and old people living together. She also talks about social workers needing to be paid more and for seniors to make sure they go to the doctor.