Radio Show Podcasts
Senior Summer Safety with Shawn Weiss
Shawn Weiss is an expert in the areas of geriatrics, fall prevention, cognitive decline, healthy living, home health, and caregiver training. In this segment, Shawn talks about why summer safety is so important for our senior loved ones, why older adults are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses, and provides some ways our seniors can stay safe and healthy during the summer months.
Caregiver Stress Relief Through Hypnosis, Part 4 with Faith Marshall
This hour focuses on reducing family caregiver stress through hypnosis. In this segment, Alzheimer's and dementia expert Faith Marshall of Awakenings Hypnosis & Coaching...
Caregiver Stress Relief Through Hypnosis, Part 3 with Faith Marshall
This hour focuses on reducing family caregiver stress through hypnosis. As you're taking care of a senior loved one, hypnosis can help you regain...
Caregiver Stress Relief Through Hypnosis, Part 2 with Faith Marshall
This hour focuses on reducing family caregiver stress through hypnosis. A lot of caregivers put themselves last, with lots of negative self-talk, feeling like...
Caregiver Stress Relief Through Hypnosis, Part 1 with Faith Marshall
Alzheimer's and dementia expert Faith Marshall of Awakenings Hypnosis & Coaching talks about the benefits of hypnosis as an aid for families and family...
Staying Connected After the Move, with Daphne Davis
Now that our parents have moved, how do we relax together and how do we stay connected? Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements explains...
Staying Connected Before the Move, with Daphne Davis
Before our parents have moved, the family still needs to come together to make decisions regarding the move. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements...
Healing: Sibling to Sibling with Daphne Davis
This hour is about healing discourse in families. In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements focuses on the healing of siblings. A...
Healing Overview with Daphne Davis
As families come together again, there's a lot of new strife, anxiety, mistrust of information, and trouble coping with change. Daphne Davis at Pinnacle...
Traveling with Seniors, Part 4 with Kelley Smith
In this vacation hour, Kelley talks about how to travel with your senior loved one to get them experiencing life once again. There's still a lot of pandemic fear and lots of questions about bringing joy during a family trip. In this segment, Kelley talks about sporting events and other excursions, staycations that families can do with their senior loved ones locally.