Tonya Hilson at CarePartners Living

Tonya Hilson at CarePartners Living joins Suzanne talk about physical health and how senior living improves the quality of life for seniors. This segment focuses on physical wellness. The number one reason why we want to have our senior loved ones be in senior living and be under care is the principle of physical wellness. It’s that ability to eat right, to live right, to exercise, to have a better quality of life.

Tonya says, “It’s so important for our seniors as they’re aging that they’re still moving — whether it’s moving just arms, or still walking, it’s very important. At our cottages, we have courtyards, and there are lots areas where seniors can come and watch. Some are so dedicated that they bundle up and come out in the cold – I’ve got to get my daily exercise. They come, whether they’re taking a walker, or if they’re taking small steps, or walking briskly, they just want to get out and enjoy the outside and the fresh air. So whether we’re doing a gentle yoga class, or if they’re lifting weights, even two pound weights, it’s so exciting for them.”

They also have an amazing food program, and there’s a great deal of mindfulness in the quality of food that’s being served. Tonya says, “With your rent, food is included, so it’s not a separate fee. There’s breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. If someone wants something between those times, food is available. We have sandwiches, healthy snacks, and we want to make sure they’re feeling full.”

Suzanne ends the hour with a story. Sometimes the true sign of life’s purpose shows up in the most unexpected ways.

CarePartners Living currently has a move-in special that waives up to $2,000 in charges, based on your spend-down. They’re encouraging families to try them out. With respite care, you can stay anywhere from 2-3 days to 2-3 weeks at a flat, daily rate. If you’re on the fence, but you want to try it, give Tonya a call at 206-412-355, or visit the CarePartners Living website.