End of Life

Home End of Life

Why is it important to pre-plan for your own burial or cremation?

Eventually we all will face the loss of someone we love … and, in time, those who love us will face our loss. There can...
Seniors who are alone

How To Support Those Who Are Grieving

Kelley Smith at CarePartners Senior Living joins Suzanne to talk about grief. With the loss of a loved one, Kelley talks about how to support those who are in the grieving process.

Action Steps to Support Those Who Are Grieving

Kelley Smith at CarePartners Senior Living has talked to Suzanne about senior dynamics and what families are going through regarding grief. This segment is...

How to Have Those Hard Conversations, with Daphne Davis

Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about how to have those difficult family conversations. Every single day she has these types of conversations...
Senior and young holding hands

Hospice, part 1 with Cassidy Bastien

There comes a time when you're caregiving a loved one when the time is near, we have an option for hospice care. Hospice is the umbrella of care that surrounds end of life. Eligibility comes down to a significant decline, not eating or walking, or a significant weight loss, with a diagnosis of six months or less to live, and a doctor's referral. If you feel that they qualify, you can ask for an evaluation. It focuses on quality of comfort at end of life.
John Wenderlein book ''Delayed Honor''

Remember Me and Delayed Honor

John Wenderlein joins Suzanne to talk about how he got started as a hospice chaplain and wrote his two books ''Remember Me: End of Life as Seen through the Eyes of a Hospice Chaplain'' and ''Delayed Honor.''
Kelley Smith

Dementia: Retaining freedom and dignity, with Kelley Smith

Kelley Smith, VP of sales and marketing at CarePartners Senior Living, talks at Discovery 2019, the 34th Annual Alzheimer's Regional Conference. CarePartners operates seven dementia-dedicated senior care facilities in Washington. Sometimes intervention happens too soon — it has to be the right marriage of timing and where seniors are in their journey.
Senior and young holding hands

Caring for Someone Who’s Dying, with Cassidy Bastien

As a family member, how do you support them as they make that transition to the afterlife? Cassidy Bastien talks about how to be there for someone when they're dying, and what to say.
Advocating for your parents

How Senior Living Can Help Those Grieving

This segment talks about what a senior living community needs to know to provide the right help for someone working through the grieving process.
Senior and young holding hands

Hospice, part 2 with Cassidy Bastien

With 9,000 COVID deaths, many of us have lost loved ones recently. Suzanne talks with Cassidy Bastien, an end-of-life doula, about a difficult topic to talk about, the end of life: How to be there for someone when they're dying, and what to say. This segment talks about the family's role, to make sure you know you're loved one's wishes and advocate for them.