Home Radio Show Podcasts Kid Caregivers, Part 3

Kid Caregivers, Part 3

Hailey Richman Puzzle Time

Suzanne Newman talks with 14-year-old Hailey Richman from Long Island, New York. Hailey is executive director for two non-profit organizations that help seniors.

In this segment, Hailey talks more about the process of how people can get involved in Puzzle Time. Sometimes people email directly, or schools, teachers, or scout groups will reach out, and Kid Caregivers will get a recommendation from teachers. They show volunteers how to talk to someone with Alzheimer’s – how to be nice, understanding, and how to cope when a senior gets forgetful. During COVID, everyone was isolated, and Puzzle Time was done virtually, though they’d still drop off puzzles. Now they can do Puzzle Time outdoors and things are starting to get back to normal.

Support the cause by donating or volunteering to help get puzzles into facilities that don’t have a lot of resources. Learn more at KidCaregivers.com and PuzzlesToRemember.org.