Home Editorials Reopening Washington: Can Washingtonians Be Trusted?

Reopening Washington: Can Washingtonians Be Trusted?

As several of our counties in Washington State move into Phase 2 of our reopening, I was called attention to an article by State Senator, John Braun of Centralia in an Op Ed that was published in the Daily Chronicle- in Lewis County.

State Sen. Braun stated;

Washingtonians are a generous, compassionate, well-intentioned people who care about the safety and well-being of those around them.

They have earned the right to be trusted to act in a way that is in the best interest of their families, neighbors, communities, and state. They care deeply about protecting the safety of themselves and those they love. They’ve never needed the government to tell them how to do so.

As I read these words, I would love to believe them, but in reality, in my very rare trips to the grocery store I have seen close to a quarter (or more) customers who are not wearing masks. I see people still coming together, proudly displaying their photos on Facebook as they defy social distancing rules. I hear stories of people showing up in places like Juanita Beach in Kirkland, not wearing any masks, and who are defying those orders that have been put in place to keep us safe. I have stood in a takeout line where people refuse to honor them.

I am a small business owner, and my business is also taking a huge hit from this pandemic. I hate that I can’t get my nails done. I am paying a lot of extra money to have food and supplies delivered, and believe me, it’s not fun sitting home for now, over two months. Bills I cannot pay are piling up, and there are so many things I wish I could do, as spring is upon us. Yet, every single day, I wake up and I think about those who put themselves at risk for me, for our citizens, and most importantly, those who are most vulnerable to this disease.

There are so many of those workers, who each and every day put their own safety at risk. I know and work with healthcare providers. Many of those who are serving our seniors who are essential employees who are continuously fielding calls from families who are making demands that potentially will put our older adults at risk. Our hospital workers are caring for our sick, who have had to make do with sub-standard protection, planning, or procedures from our Federal Government.

I also think about those essential employees, who in many cases are working double shifts to provide for those of us who are staying home and staying healthy. I think about their safety, and how those who are not wearing masks truly have no regard for them, and the families that they come home to at night.

Can Washingtonians be trusted?

No, sir. Sadly, we cannot. It is because of entitled attitudes like those that demonstrate a lack of regard for those who are vulnerable. Yes, right now, it’s hard, it’s frustrating, and it’s sometimes overwhelming, but it’s necessary for us to all buckle down and follow Governor Inslee’s phased plan- which has been developed through working with healthcare professionals and scientists. It’s the only way we are going to recover from this.

So, when you are doubting our governor, perhaps we all should be reminded of the facts:

  • Just 2.5 months ago, Washington State was #1 in cases of COVID-19. Today, according to the CDC, we have dropped down to #19.
  • Governor Inslee has relied on top scientific research and intervention- and has had to in many cases, take the lead for the rest of the USA, because our Federal Government refused to act.
  • Washington State has become a leader and provided guidance for other states. No doubt, it is due to our leadership, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the University of Washington that many breakthroughs have happened.
  • Our curve is flattening! It is, because social distancing and stay home orders have been put in place.
  • According to numerous polling, 75% of Washington’s Citizens approve of Governor Inslee’s handling of this virus.

In closing, I heard a saying the other day that I think we should all put into perspective:

Economies Recover. Dead People do not.

Let’s remind ourselves every day, that we need to do whatever it takes to keep our citizens safe. Let’s not be careless, but instead, rely on the science that we have available to us.