Home Radio Show Podcasts Simple Ways to Bring Joy to Caregivers

Simple Ways to Bring Joy to Caregivers

Alzheimer's Speaks host Lori La Bey

Alzheimer’s Speaks host Lori La Bey joins Suzanne to talk about caregiver happiness over the holidays. This segment focuses on ways we can give a little happiness to those who are caring for a loved one.

Lori says, “There’s a lot of different stories out there from so many different angles, from people sending flowers or cards on a regular basis. Instead of getting a bill in the mail, you get something sweet and funny. That just kind of lifts you up. There are some actual caregiver cards. I don’t know who makes them, but I bought some at one time and I’ve sent them all out, but they were just kind of hilarious or real heartwarming cards just about what you’re doing, and how you appreciate that, which I thought was really, really special.

“I also love spa days and things like that with friends, or going out for coffee. Just a specific thing that does not cost much. A lot of times we’re making a date to just get together and be able to reminisce and be able to breathe. It’s about getting away from the chores, and feeling exhausted. I don’t think it always has to be big and fancy and flashy. I think bringing inner generations into it, too, can just be a blast. When families get together and you get everyone doing things from a different angle, yet you’re all there, and the kids are recording things. So you have those memories to be able to last, I think is important. And telling jokes… Sometimes it’s old-time silly jokes or sometimes it’s the little kids coming forward with theirs. There’s just so much that people can do. It could be somebody coming over. Maybe one set of friends is gonna take them out and the other one’s gonna clean the house as a surprise when they come back.”

Learn more:
* Alzheimer’s Speaks: https://alzheimersspeaks.com

Answers for Elders is part of the SeniorResource Network: https://www.seniorresource.com/