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Tag: Athira Pharma

Kevin Church, Chief Science Officer of Athira Pharma

Pandemic’s Impact for Those with Dementia

Kevin Church, Chief Science Officer of Athira Pharma, joins Suzanne to talk about the pandemic's effect on dementia patients, as well as clinical trials developing treatments for Alzheimer's.
Paul Winner, Senior Director of the Premiere Research Institute at Palm Beach Neurology

Getting Involved in Alzheimer’s Research Studies

Dr. Paul Winner: “The most advanced evaluations and treatments are inside the research. We are recruiting for an Athira research study and many other studies.”
Paul Winner, Senior Director of the Premiere Research Institute at Palm Beach Neurology

Advances in Alzheimer’s Research

Dr. Winner says, “We do not have the ability today to stop Alzheimer's dementia. We're working to that. But we can slow the progression of the illness.”
Paul Winner, Senior Director of the Premiere Research Institute at Palm Beach Neurology

Test Procedures for Dementia

Dr. Paul Winner advises, “If you really have a problem, something that's essentially now affecting the family, you need to go to a memory disorder center. We have very good diagnostic methods today. It could be something simple.”
Paul Winner, Senior Director of the Premiere Research Institute at Palm Beach Neurology

Lifestyle Changes to Avoid Dementia

Suzanne is joined by Dr. Paul Winner, Senior Director of the Premiere Research Institute in Florida. He advises specific lifestyle changes, such as exercising and controlling blood pressure, that can help you avoid getting dementia.
Dr. Paul Winner, Senior Director of the Premiere Research Institute

Memory Loss is Not Normal In Aging

Suzanne is joined by Dr. Paul Winner, Senior Director of the Premiere Research Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida. Dr. Winner emphasizes, “Memory loss is not normal in aging. That is very clear to us now as we study this.”
Amy Schenk, community engagement lead at the Neuropsychiatric Research Center of Southwest Florida

Tips for Managing Caregiver Stress

Amy Schenk, community engagement lead at the Neuropsychiatric Research Center of Southwest Florida, joins Suzanne courtesy of Athira Pharma to talk about handling caregiver...
Memory and aging

How Memory Evolves as We Age

Certified Dementia Practitioner Amy Schenk joins Suzanne from Cape Coral, Florida, courtesy of Athira Pharma to talk about the difference between normal memory issues as a result of aging and abnormal issues, and indicators to watch for. What happens to our brains as we age normally, as well as what happens when it's not so normal. If you are seeing things that are different in the person you're concerned about, things that make you think "That's not like them," listen to your intuition.
Certified Dementia Practitioner Amy Schenk

Brain Health and Caregiving

Amy Schenk, community engagement lead at the Neuropsychiatric Research Center of Southwest Florida, joins Suzanne courtesy of Athira Pharma to talk about cutting-edge clinical trials. She educates, represents, supports and encourages people to take care of their brains. They talk about the stress of caregiving and risks for Alzheimer's disease. Preventative measures that are good for your heart are also good for your brain. Adequate sleep, a good diet, and hydration are important. Set healthy boundaries for yourself as a caregiver.
Pandemic Effects on Seniors

Pandemic Effects on Alzheimer’s Disease

Certified Dementia Practitioner Amy Schenk joins Suzanne from Cape Coral, Florida, courtesy of Athira Pharma to talk about the impacts of the pandemic on families and people with Alzheimer’s disease. Amy also educates in both Assisted Living and Long Term Care environments.