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Tag: Funeral Pre-Planning

Estate planning

Funeral Pre-Planning: Why Pre-Plan Your Final Wishes?

Life requires planning. We plan for our weddings, when to start a family and our retirement. We also buy car insurance, life insurance and...
Senior and young holding hands

Pre-Planning, Part 2: What Happens When a Loved One Passes

Dan White at Evergreen Washelli talks about crossroads and transitions. We will all face the crossroads when we pass. What can families do if...

Funeral Planning

Funeral planners play a significant roll to the family and friends of the deceased. They assist with the difficult task of guiding you...

Pre-planning with Alzheimer’s, with Dan White

Dan White at Evergreen Washelli explains that there is no better time for funeral pre-planning than when you’re diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, while you’re fully...

Why is it important to pre-plan for your own burial or cremation?

Eventually we all will face the loss of someone we love … and, in time, those who love us will face our loss. There can...