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Tag: Seniors during holidays

Tips 5 and 6 For Making Holidays Successful

Kelley Smith from CarePartners Senior Living joins Suzanne to add insights and advice to the fifth and sixth of Teepa Snow's six tips for making holidays successful for those who have Alzheimer's and dementia.

Tips 3 and 4 For Making Holidays Successful

Kelley Smith from CarePartners Senior Living advises on Teepa Snow's tips 3 & 4 for making holidays successful for those who have dementia.

Tips 1 and 2 For Making Holidays Successful

Kelley Smith from CarePartners Senior Living joins Suzanne to add insights and advice to Teepa Snow's first two tips for making holidays successful for those who have Alzheimer's and dementia.

Introducing 6 Tips For Making Holidays Successful

Kelley Smith from CarePartners Senior Living joins Suzanne to share Teepa Snow's six tips for making holidays successful for those who have Alzheimer's and dementia.

Home for the Holidays

Maybe Mom, Dad, Grandma, or Grandpa live in an assisted living facility. Maybe they don’t get around as well as they used to. Maybe they have had a recent decline in health. Do they have any form of Dementia? Perhaps you want to bring them to your home for a holiday visit. How can you ensure their safety and well-being and still enjoy precious time together? The key is to plan ahead! From pick up to drop off, here is a list of helpful hints that hopefully will create peace of mind and allow for a memorable visit!

Holiday Visits: Seniors With Dementia, with Daphne Davis

Culture, Connections and Celebrations: how to communicate and establish rapport. Some of our senior loved ones may have some communications challenges or issues due...
Seniors who are alone

Seniors Who Choose to be Alone: By Choice or By Fear?

In the past 8 years of doing 12 Days of Goodness, the statistics on seniors who are alone seem to get worse, and yet,...

Holiday Visits: Finding Courage, with Daphne Davis

Culture, Connections and Celebrations: how to communicate and establish rapport. For people who haven’t seen their senior loved one in a while, or feel...

Considerations for Seniors with Dementia Over the Holidays, with Kelley Smith

If your senior loved one is dealing with Alzheimer's or Dementia, we still encourage a visit over the holidays. If Mom is overly sensitive to lights, turn off the blinking of the Christmas tree lights, because that can be overwhelming. Play music more quietly. Kelley Smith at CarePartners Living encourages families to contact a home care service and have someone come over to help with eating and toileting, to help with the things your loved one wouldn't want you to do anyway.

Family Culture and Traditions, with Kelley Smith

Kelley Smith at CarePartners Living talks about senior loved ones continuing to be honored over the holidays once they are in assisted living. People ask questions about whether to take Mom home over the holiday, can she handle the noise, should we hire a caregiver, what if mom feels isolated in the home because she can't keep up? We suggest that you not make assumptions and see what your senior loved one is capable of.