Said Hitt at Era Living

Said Hitti was born in Lebanon, studied economics in London and Oxford, and then moved to the United States in 1963 to work at the International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. Said now lives at Ida Culver House Broadview, an Era Living retirement community. He says, “I’m quite happy here. There is a preponderance of highly educated people from academia, from the business world, from other areas, too. You meet a lot of people, and it’s always pleasant to hear their life experiences.”

For those who are considering senior living, he says, “Do it only if it’s necessary for you to do. A retirement community isn’t a cruise for the rest of your life. You have to think in terms of doing small things in a paced way, not having expectations that you can resume life as it used to be before. It’s a new phase in life. And I would encourage anybody — even if they don’t feel they are writers — to write down their life experiences. If you train yourself to write your experiences, think of it this way: you’ll be having the last word in whatever way you want to look at it.”

Ida Culver House Broadview is located at 12505 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98133-8040.

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