Home Alzheimer's and Dementia Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials, Part 2 with Dr. Cherian Verghese

Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials, Part 2 with Dr. Cherian Verghese

Dr. Cherian Verghese

This segment continues the conversation about how Alzheimer’s disease progresses. Suzanne Newman joins Dr. Cherian Verghese to talk about a special program for those who are in the beginning or medium stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Verghese is Principal Researcher at Keystone Clinical Studies LLC in the Philadelphia area.

In earlier stages, people can be helped at home with assisted living, with family support. Going into moderate or severe dementia, we’d need in-home care and at some stages institutional care. It’s physically demanding to help someone with their activities of daily living. Sadly, African Americans are twice as likely, and Latinos about one and a half times as likely, than in Caucasians. They are disproportionately affected, but participation was lower in trials, making it hard to extrapolate drug trial results.

If you know of someone with Alzheimer’s, there’s probably a trial available for them. For those interested in a trial, visit Lift-AD Clinical Trial to learn more. You can learn more about Keystone by calling 610-277-8073 or visiting Keystone Clinical Studies LLC.