Family caregivers, caring for a spouse or a senior loved one, are often floundering in the world. A study said 40% of family caregivers leave or lose their jobs due to caregiving. They spend 70% more time on social media than non-family caregivers. Having left careers behind in their late 40s to mid-50s, they lose pensions and long-term-care benefits.

This segment focuses on how to redefine our lives even in the midst of caregiving. Sometimes we discount the skills gained while caregiving. Think about the things that give you passion or joy: hobbies, connecting with others, or eventually potential new careers. Keep an open mind. For Lori, having been in office management, the aftermath of caregiving launched her into a sales career, then now what she’s doing with Medicare. Perhaps it’s a time to consider correspondence courses. Suzanne had always wanted to plant roses, so during her caregiving downtime she researched and planted a rose garden. Perhaps you always wanted to take a dance class. While caregiving, make time to explore these ideas.

Lori Hutson joins Suzanne on behalf of Vitality Revolution podcast series gold sponsor Humana talking about occupational wellness (having a sense of purpose) and social wellness (connecting with community and culture), two of the foundational principles of wellness. Lori, owner of L.J. Hudson Insurance LLC in Washington, talks about the wellness mindset promoted by Humana.

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Lori Hutson episodes on Answers for Elders:
Social Wellness episodes:
Occupational Wellness episodes:

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