Retirement coach Larry Jacobson

Retirement coach Larry Jacobson joins Suzanne to continue their conversation, expanding on the advantage of seeking purpose and fulfillment vs just personal pleasure in your senior years.

Why not live a life of multiple pleasures? “Not everything you do has to have purpose. But you’re going to be missing something in your life, that you have purpose in doing something. I’ve had a client say, ‘I deserve to have pleasures now, I deserve to do fun things.’ My reply is, ‘Yeah, you do, so do that. But it’s not going to satisfy you in the long term. You don’t have join the Peace Corps. But there’s a line somewhere in between just pure pleasure and joining the Peace Corps and helping starving people somewhere. Look for a balance in your life” that will provide fulfillment vs just pleasure.

Hear more:
Larry Jacobson podcasts on Answers for Elders:
Occupational Wellness podcasts:

Learn more:
Larry’s Sail Into Retirement training course:

You can reach Larry Jacobson via his website at

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