Home Theme Join the Alzheimer’s Walk!

Join the Alzheimer’s Walk!

September marks the time for pumpkin spice to return, the leaves are starting to change, football is starting, and in our neighborhoods throughout the USA, the Alzheimer’s Walks are upon us.

This is the third year that our program has highlighted Alzheimer’s as our September theme, and we are strong supporters of the Alzheimer’s Association’s walks!

My stepmother had Alzheimer’s, and I watched her decline from a distance after my father passed away. Her symptoms started out with asking the same question over and over again. She then got facts and information incorrect in her head, and her family rallied around to help her. It was the first time I had been exposed to the disease, and I remember the confusion I felt when it came to learn how to communicate or understand what was happening.

When it was time to care for my mom, she had dementia, I started to see similar symptoms in her. Alzheimer’s Disease is a form of dementia, and it is mounting a greater concern for the world every day.

Thanks to the Alzheimer’s Association’s research, they are truly making breakthroughs into finding a cure for this disease, and with your donations, they will continue onto this path! They have support groups for families as well.

If you have a family member who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, no doubt there are questions looming on how to best care for and communicate with them. In the early stages you may see the warning signs and wonder what is happening to them. Their 24/7 Helpline is available for families to call with questions or just a supportive voice. There is never ever a stupid question, and they are always there for you. (Pretty incredible in itself!)

This September, as a family member, we will talk about key issues that face families today in making decisions for a loved ones’ care. Learn about the many resources that are there for you and get to know what kind of support that families can receive, especially through the Alzheimer’s Association.

Finally, we encourage you to support and donate to the Alzheimer’s walks. These walks are significantly important, as through the years we have watched families come together who have had Alzheimer’s Disease touch their lives in some way, whether it happens personally, with a family member, or a friend. We have seen the comradery happen between those who celebrate the lives of those who have passed, and those families who are struggling with a loved one who has been diagnosed. Having those connections will be incredible for all of you, no matter what stage the disease has progressed in your family.

To learn more how to participate or how to donate please go to Alz.org. There you will find a wealth of resources, including finding where the walks are in your neighborhood. You can also donate to an amazing organization which I believe will someday find a cure for this horrible disease.

Wishing for a cure and standing together in HOPE!
