Suzanne Newman on Interrupted: Act 2 Reinventing Your Legacy

Suzanne Newman was recently interviewed on Coach Laurie Hardie’s podcast “Interrupted: Act 2 Reinventing Your Legacy.”

Coach Laurie Hardie: Suzanne Perkins Newman lost her job due to the incredible responsibility of caring for her aging mother. She was at the height of her career and was shocked they didn’t allow the FMLA plan for her. While dealing with the ramifications of this, taking care of and supporting her mother, she reinvented her life in an industry that needed someone just like her. Answers for Elders was created with a podcast to follow and a whole new life she loves. Oh and by the way, did I mention in the midst of all of this she met the love of her life? Oh and did I mention puppies? When adversity strikes, say thank you. There is good in the world and we deserve to have it.

Caregiving will take you dreams with self inflected guilt and lack of self care and self love. Get ahead of the game with Answers for Elders and don’t fall into the trap of martyrdom it doesn’t serve anyone. There is help and support and you can still have a life.

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