Swimming adapting to senior living

Courtesy of Era Living, Seth Hutchins joins Suzanne to talk about Social Wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana. Seth is a social wellness expert, a licensed mental health therapist in the state of Washington working in community mental health, private practice, and senior residents at Era Living retirement communities. Seth talks about embracing new residents, helping them adjust to the transition so they can make new connections and thrive.

Seth defines social wellness holistically. “Every person might define social wellness differently. Some people are more geared toward being more extroverted, being out in the community and participating, while others may not be wired that particular way. To define what it means for a person, you really have to talk to them, define what it is for them that makes them feel included and supported, and ultimately what makes them thrive.”

Most residents moving into senior living are experiencing massive upheavals in their lives, perhaps selling homes that they’ve lived in for decades. You’re having to make a lot of changes in your life as well as taking in a lot of new information, getting settled in, unpacking, meeting residents and staff. Seth guides them, meeting them when they first move in, talk about where they are, talk about his role as a counselor and reassure them they’re not alone in this process.

Era Living embraces new residents with ambassadors in their communities, a resident-led welcoming committee. Seth says, “Having residents reach out can provide that special touch, and make them feel more included, provides a hand-on approach.”

Hear more:
Social Wellness episodes: https://answersforelders.com/vitality-revolution/social-wellness/.
Era Living episodes: https://answersforelders.com/era-living/

Learn more about:
Vitality Revolution podcast series: https://answersforelders.com/vitality-revolution/
Humana: https://www.humana.com/
Answers for Elders: https://answersforelders.com/welcome-to-answers-for-elders/.
Era Living at Answers for Elders: https://answersforelders.com/era-living/
Era Living’s website: https://www.eraliving.com/

Answers for Elders is part of the SeniorResource Network: https://www.seniorresource.com/