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Tag: retirement planning

Financial planning

Action Steps For Better Retirement Planning

People who've been retired for a while say they wish they'd saved more of their money and invested it more. They also advise to keep investing in yourself, learning how to do your job better, which gives far better returns than anything you'll get from the investment markets. Retirement Watch CEO Bob Carlson provides Suzanne with action steps to improve you retirement planning. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.

Top 2 Fails in Retirement Planning

Many people fail when it comes to the non-financial aspects of retirement planning, and many miscalculate their longevity, outliving their money. Retirement Watch CEO Bob Carlson joins Suzanne to talk about these aspects of planning. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.

Retirement Has Changed, And Will Change Again

Bob Carlson joins Suzanne to talk about senior retirement finances. Retirement has changed multiple times, and you can expect the details to change again before you retire, meaning you need to keep up or it can cost you a lot of money. Bob talks about changes to Medicare, inflation, and interest rates that affect retirement planning. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Asset management

Finances: The Retirement Squeeze

If you're adequately prepared, you can live a fulfilling life long into your senior years. Bob Carlson joins Suzanne to talk about senior retirement finances, noting that people haven't realized or properly planned for what their real life expectancy turned out to be. Bob's Retirement Watch newsletter is a staple of our partner Salem Media. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Darol Tuttle

Asset Protection Planning Stories

Attorney Darol Tuttle shares a couple of stories that illustrate the essential need for asset protection planning.
Darol Tuttle

Asset Protection Planning Website

Attorney Darol Tuttle's asset protection website has several audio master classes on spousal protection trusts with an introductory class on the power of the law.
Darol Tuttle

Benefits of a Spousal Protection Trust

Asset protection attorney Darol Tuttle explains how a spousal protection trust will double your tax exemptions.
Darol Tuttle

Introducing Asset Protection Planning

Attorney Darol Tuttle joins Suzanne to talk about going beyond estate planning. Asset protection focuses on protecting your assets while you're still alive, to finance your retirement throughout your life, and to fund the retirement of your spouse.

Senior Finances: Family Cost of Care, with Daphne Davis

Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements discusses the cost of elder care if family members stay home to care for a senior loved one.

Senior Finances: Costs of Differing Care, with Daphne Davis

Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about finances for senior care. Appropriate, quality, loving care can be found. The elephant in the room:...