Judy Mayotte

Skyline Retirement resident Judy Mayotte joins Suzanne to give a tour of her apartment.

Judy says, “I just love my apartment. I’ve lived in refugee camps and in grass huts. So I’m living in the lap of luxury here. But I also have lived for a number of years in condominiums. I lost a leg in Sudan, in the war zone there, and couldn’t manipulate a lawn mower or things like that, so I’m used to living in condos and apartments. So it was not difficult for me to move here. I have one of the smallest apartments here at Skyline. t’s a one bedroom, most people and particularly couples will get larger ones. But I have never been happier than I am right here in this little apartment. It’s just wonderful.”

Learn more:
* Skyline: https://skylineseattle.org/
* More senior living podcasts: https://answersforelders.com/category/discover-senior-living/

Answers for Elders is part of the Senior Resource Network: https://www.seniorresource.com/