Rebecca Bomann, the CEO of SASH Services, joins Suzanne Newman to talk about tips to help get your house ready to be sold. Rebecca has used these tips herself, helping hundreds of families. Whether you’re an empty-nester or looking for a senior loved one who’s lived in their house for 50 years, often a move seems like a mountain of a challenge.

These low-cost suggestions will maximize your net proceeds:

  1. Pack first. Everyone plans to bring most things when they move, but the mistake is waiting to pack till after photography and listing, which makes a house look full and prevents prospective buyers from envisioning their own belongings in your house. Pack prior to photography, as many things as you don’t need daily, putting it in the garage or a storage unit. Your house will show so much better.
  2. Sell some things. For people feeling pressured by the costs of getting everything ready, keep in mind some things probably won’t be moved into a new place. Some items won’t fit, or there’s an old record collection not listened to in decades, or maybe some World War II memorabilia in the attic. These items could be auctioned or sold in order to pay money for sprucing up the house. Even a few hundred or thousand raised help. And it helps empty the house for moving. A live garage sale, estate sales, online auction sites, and for sale apps. Learn more at the SASH Services website or call 888-400-SASH.