Home Health and Wellness Being Thankful in the Face of Adversity

Being Thankful in the Face of Adversity

Kathianne Lewis

Reverend Doctor  Kathianne Lewis joins Suzanne to talk about Spiritual Wellnss, one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness featured this month as part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana. Rev. Kathianne is Spiritual Director and Senior Minister at the Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle. Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis has inspired and served countless numbers of people—whose lives, she hopes, have been changed for the better by practicing spiritual principles.

Rev Kathianne says, “To bless and be thankful in the face of adversity does two things I think. First of all, it does teach you, you learn from it, you grow from this adversity, bless it. The other thing is is that by blessing your adversity, you call for the good that is seeded within that adversity, just like for you, by blessing your adversity. I think that a lot of people listening to this will look at the adversities that they had in their life. And a lot of those adversities, those troubles, those trials, those obstacles gave birth to something greater, right? Sometimes it’s inner wisdom, sometimes it’s inner strength, and sometimes it’s just a miracle. A bigger life than they could have ever even imagined.”

She adds, “I think it was Emerson who said, ‘that which is within you is greater than that which is outside of you.’ So when they can reconnect with their own sustaining spiritual force, they will get ideas that will help them work stuff out. There’s no real problem, there’s only an idea problem. There are no money problems, relationship problems, no anything problem in and of itself — it’s always an idea problem. And when we can be inspired within, to have new ideas, we will have the inspiration to handle what the issue is.”

Learn more about:
* Kathianne Lewis: https://www.spiritualliving.org/people/kathianne-lewis-dd/
* Center for Spiritual Living: https://www.spiritualliving.org/
* The Vitality Revolution podcast series: https://answersforelders.com/vitality-revolution/
* Humana: https://www.humana.com/
* Answers for Elders: https://answersforelders.com/welcome-to-answers-for-elders/

Hear more:
* Podcasts with Kathianne Lewis at Answers for Elders: https://answersforelders.com/tag/kathianne-lewis/
* Articles and podcasts about Spiritual Wellnss: https://answersforelders.com/vitality-revolution/spiritual-wellness/
* Rev. Kathianne’s Mid-Week “Faith Lift“: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWilu0kYmiP5i12ylBNob0RIX4JnWOEt8

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