Health and Wellness

Home Health and Wellness Page 3
Dr. Shawn Weiss

Caregivers: You Deserve Some Self-Care

Caregivers deserve some time for self-caring. Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk about some ways to help care partners from becoming overtaxed and burning out.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

4 Steps to Feel Better Emotionally

Are you where you want to be at your age? If not, what are some strategies to improve? Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to provide three key ways we can improve how we feel emotionally. 1) Move your body; 2) Have gratitude; 3) Journal positivity; and 4) Try new things.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

Use Self-Care to Boost Your Wellness

If we don't have our emotional or mental health in a good place, it will affect all of pillars of our health. We'll have a hard time making progress. Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk about emotional wellness, a pillar of the eight foundational principles of wellness, part of the summer Vitality Revolution podcast series.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

Improve All Aspects of Your Health

Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk about the eight foundational principles of wellness. The Vitality Revolution podcast series kicks off this summer with an overview of the eight foundational principles of wellness as designed by the University of Colorado at Pueblo.
Positive Wellness Coach Debra Kane

Want to Be Happier? Develop a Growth Mindset

It's important to stimulate our brains in new ways as we grow older. A growth mindset means believing what you're doing, training yourself to believe that new tasks are possible and doable, and uses our brain's natural neuro-plasticity to continue to rewire itself and continue to grow. Cultivating a growth mindset is self-motivating and brings us a sense of accomplishment. Positive Wellness Coach Debra Kane joins Dr. Shawn Weiss to talk about what a growth mindset is, and how we can use it to become happier. This episode on emotional wellness: mindset over 50 is part of the Vitality Revolution summer podcast series on Answers for Elders.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

Sit Up Straight: Posture Matters

As you're listening, or watching on YouTube, sit up straight because we're going to talk about posture. Posture plays into overall health and our digestive system. It also lifts us up right, both emotionally and physically, there's so many things that posture plays into overall health. Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk about how good posture can improve our health, particularly as we age.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

How Oral Health Impacts Overall Health

As we age, sometimes we forget about a very important aspect of our health: our oral health. Once we get in our fifties and sixties, some of us think, it is what it is. It's expensive; senior on fixed incomes put tooth care last. But as we age, our teeth need more attention. Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk about how oral health factors into overall health.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

20-Week Lifestyle Plan to Reduce Dementia Risk

Practical takeaways from global studies aim to reduce our risk for developing Alzheimer's and dementia. Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk more how to apply these recommendations to our everyday lives. One 20-week lifestyle plan was developed by the Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention Intervention and Care. The plan has four components that focus on diet, exercise, stress management, and support groups.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

12 Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Dr. Shawn Weiss joins Suzanne to talk about Alzheimer's and dementia studies with an eye towards prevention. She discusses the FINGER survey (Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability) and ongoing global studies that study 12 modifiable risk factors: hypertension, smoking, type-2 diabetes, obesity, social isolation, alcohol, lessened cognitive activity, lower education levels, hearing loss, head injuries, lifestyle (physical activity and exercise), and air pollution.
Dr. Shawn Weiss

Endocannabinoid System, the Hemp Plant, CBD and Optimal Health

Watch this valuable information session featuring Dr. Erin Luecke, PT, DPT and Dr. Shawn Weiss, PT, DPT. Learn how the ECS impacts our health, the importance of sourcing, breaking stigmas, and how to encourage conscious conversations.