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Vineyard Park of Covington in Covington, WA

Vineyard Park Grand Opening Weekend, with Keith Roberts

Suzanne joins Community Relations Director Keith Roberts for the grand opening weekend at Vineyard Park of Covington in Covington, WA. Assisted living is a whole new ball game these days because you have so many amenities: you get the theater, you get the activities, you get the best of everything. Being able to come into a community, know you're going to be cared for, have activities, be able to socialize with folks who are on the same journey as you, make new friends, establish new close bonds, and have a good experience and live with dignity for the rest of your life.
home health options

The Bill of Rights for Senior Residents, Items 1-5

Suzanne joins Kelley Smith at CarePartners Senior Living to learn about the 20 rights included in the Bill of Rights for Senior Residents. One reason people are hesitant to move into assisted living is a fear of losing autonomy — they believe someone's going to tell them when to get up, when to go to bed, when to eat dinner — and who wants to live like that? Every community with senior living type of license has a resident Bill of Rights. In this segment, Suzanne and Kelley discuss the first five rights.
options after hospital discharge

Alzheimer’s or Normal Forgetfulness: How to Tell the Difference

Suzanne Newman is joined by Dr. Michael Mega, Director of the Center for Cognitive Health in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Mega answers: How do you tell the difference between normal age-related forgetfulness and the beginnings of Alzheimer's?

Spotlight on CarePartners Senior Living, Part 1

Suzanne Newman joins Kelley Smith at CarePartners Senior Living to talk about to talk about CarePartners' history and core values.
Seniors and their pet

Tips For When a Parent Moves: Their Pet

Adult children and their aging parents have wildly differing perspectives on moving. This segment builds a bridge to understanding each others' perspectives when it comes to the senior loved one's pet, which befuddles many adult children. Adult children are thinking of a monthly budget, trying to make funds last as long as possible, and are concerned about how that's affected by an animal's daily care, walks, feeding, medication, and vet care. Mom, however, sees the pet as a family member who gives joy, love, companionship, and comfort.

How to Begin Decluttering, Part 1

Kelley talks about how we can help our parents and ourselves so we don't leave a lot of clutter for our own children to deal with. When a family member downsizes from a 2,000 square foot home to a 900-1200 square foot retirement apartment, or to an independent living or assisted living apartment, now you're looking at 500-700 square feet of space, or smaller depending on the apartment. You have to weigh what's important to keep, and it will be home — you want to bring your things so it feels like home. Many people in a home look at the challenge and don't even know how to begin downsizing. If you have a senior loved one, or have mobility issues, it can seem an overwhelming challenge. This hour will talk about how to begin, and what to expect regarding amenities when you move into senior living, and how can you leave a legacy for your community.

How and When to Intervene, part 1

Kelley Smith at CarePartners Senior Living joins Suzanne Newman to talk about how and when to intervene as an adult child or loved one of a senior who may need care. Families may be concerned about their role while honoring parents facing Alzheimer's or dementia. Kelley Smith says to best serve parents and grandparents, first understand what you need as well as what your parents need. When you have conversations, give them time to process so they aren't on the defensive. Create an open dialogue to figure out the next steps. Bring up that you noticed things are getting more challenging for them around the house. Casual conversations often work better than a scheduled meeting.

How to Choose People to Represent You, Part 1

This hour presents a who's who of people who should be involved in your estate plan, and how to choose people to have power of attorney – specifically, the personality traits they should have. For Powers of Attorney (General and Health Care), you need to choose an Agent, First successor agent, Second successor agent, and Others.

Dispelling myths about senior living, part 1

Whether regarding skilled care, skilled nursing, or memory care, especially during the pandemic myths have persisted about senior living. In this hour, Kelley talks about myths heard all the time about senior care. We remember great-grandma or great-grandpa being in nursing homes, which weren't pleasant places. They don't exist any more — skilled nursing has taken over, and it doesn't look the same as it did even five or ten years ago. If you don't know anybody in assisted living, if you've never been to an assisted living facility, you don't know what actually happens. Skilled nursing now is more like a rehab center that need 24-hour care not appropriate for a hospital setting. People don't realize that things like therapy dog visits and music therapy are available, providing a quality of life — they don't even know that it exists.

How to be Creative With Seniors, Part 1 with Kelley Smith

Kelley talks about winning the Nesby Glasgow Essence Award. Many reasons for that were for her outside-the-box ideas, such as how to be creative with seniors. In this segment, Kelley talks about how to step into the mindset of being creative in the moment, ways to entertain, be fluid, with seniors.