Senior real estate home selling

The real estate has shifted since May. You can still enjoy a successful change in your home sale, but a few expectations have changed. Since the pandemic in March 2020, it’s been a frenzied seller’s market with high sale prices and multiple offers. You can always count on the market changing, and now the market is leveling to become less lopsided. 18% yearly appreciation, having to make offers on multiple homes, waiving inspections, waiving appraisals, non-refundable earnest money, with little inventory available for sale is not a sustainable situation. It was fun for sellers for a couple of years, but a balanced market where buyers have some leverage is a more stable market.

Rebecca Bomann, CEO and founder of SASH Services, provides tips to make your home sale more successful in a changing real estate market. You can still sell a home within a few days, but you need to follow our tips to make that happen. The first tip: Presentation matters. During the seller’s market, you’d see sellers leaving garbage cans out in front of the house and brokers taking dark, fuzzy photos. Today, sellers need to present a clean, well-lit, uncluttered home. Put your home in its Sunday best. Pack up or sell some of the things you don’t need because it will photograph better, and insist on professional photography. You don’t have to do all the work yourself. SASH Services can take care of the hard work, the downsizing, sprucing up, and moving parts so you can just worry about moving into your new destination. Hear more tips in the next segments.

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