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Tag: Downsizing

Real Estate 55 Plus

What Keeps Seniors From Downsizing

Seniors are waiting longer before they make a change. For many, they wait so long that they end up limiting their options. They have a fall, are injured to an extent that they're no longer able to live independently, and now have a crisis to move. Real Estate 55 Plus CEO Juli Anne Gibson joins Suzanne to talk about what holds people back, the biggest questions people ask about downsizing, and provides an example of a family that faced a moving crisis.
Real Estate 55 Plus

All About Aging With Choice Workshops

If you're thinking about moving, Real Estate 55 Plus conducts valuable Aging With Choice workshops. Founder and CEO Juli Anne Gibson joins Suzanne to talk about working with families, real estate agents, executors, and estate planners. She talks about how the workshops work, then provides a great example of a senior who took the workshop and how it led to her moving choices.
Real Estate 55 Plus Juli Anne Gibson

All About Real Estate 55 Plus

If you're a senior living in a home that's not working for you, and you need to make a change, but don't know what the next steps are, specialized services for seniors are available at Real Estate 55 Plus. Founder and CEO Juli Anne Gibson joins Suzanne to talk about working with families, real estate agents, executors, and estate planners. She talks about creating a roadmap to minimize the stress involved in moving, particularly for those over 55.
Bee Organized

Mobility Challenges and Decluttering

Suzanne Allbee, CEO of Bee Organized Seattle, joins Suzanne Newman to talk about decluttering, particularly for those with challenges such as ADHD or mobility limitations.
Bee Organized

It’s Just Stuff: When to Declutter

If you've got too much stuff in your house, or a cluttered room, Suzanne Allbee, CEO of Bee Organized Seattle, talks about how to go about changing that. She talks about the first steps of their process. Environmental wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, a focus of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Bee Organized

Your Kids Don’t Want Your Stuff

CEO Suzanne Allbee of Bee Organized Seattle discusses a harsh reality: Your kids don't want your stuff. The idea of sorting possessions can be overwhelming, but there's a better way than piling everything into a storage locker. Bee Organized offers a short quiz that helps them understand how you relate to your stuff. This helps them understand you, so they can help you focus on how to celebrate what's special, while letting everything else go. Environmental wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, a focus of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Bee Organized

Junk, Shame, Tears, Decluttering

Suzanne shares her story of hiring Bee Organized for a life-changing experience to help declutter. Suzanne Allbee, CEO of Bee Organized Seattle, joins Suzanne to talk about living sustainably. Environmental wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, a focus of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Downsizing for the future

Plotting a Road Map For Rightsizing

Founder and CEO of Real Estate 55 Plus Juli Anne Gibson joins Suzanne to talk about more than 70 unique services that her company can provide, including estate sale services, that helps determine a road map for seniors, many of which are rightsizing into a new home.

Will Your Home Support You As You Age?

Juli Anne Gibson talks aging in place and downsizing, about being able to recreate a space for seniors that feels like home. This episode kicks off the topic of environmental wellness: surrounding yourself with an environment that brings you joy; being in an environment that supports you; living sustainably and being mindful of the world we live in. This is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, featured as part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Kristen Christian: Bee Organized

Downsizing: What to Do With Your China

Kristen Christian shows ways to honor your memories without keeping all the family china and other heirlooms while downsizing.