
Home Crossroads Page 4

Family Dynamics During a Senior Home Sale, Part 1

Family plays an outsized role during transitions. With all the stress, strife, and confusion for caregivers, it's easy to come apart at the seams with the family you love, particularly since it's the family home that's going to be sold. Rebecca Bomann, founder and CEO of SASH Services, joins Suzanne to explain a few things that happen to families during transitions so that you'll know what you're experiencing is normal.
Daphne Davis, Pinnacle Senior Placements

Realizing Mom Needs Help at Home

Daphne Davis joins Suzanne to talk about crossroads and transitions. One of the most difficult parts of aging with families is being unprepared for life's changes. When adult children realize that mom or dad may need some help, broaching the topic can be challenging. A longtime contributor to Answers for Elders, Daphne Davis is President of Pinnacle Senior Placements.

Building or Modifying for an Aging-in-Place Friendly Home

If you or your relatives want to build a new structure, or get modifications done on your house, there are resources to make sure that the builders are doing it right. Dr. Jill Bjerke joins Suzanne to talk about aging in place constructions as part of this month's Specialist Spotlight on Aging in Place. A home assessment at provides guidelines and recommendations to design an aging in place home, like lever handles on doors and faucets, a raised dishwasher so you don't have to bend down so far, a stove that has controls in the front, a low-maintenance exterior, things you ordinarily wouldn't think about with new construction.
Downsizing for the future

Plotting a Road Map For Rightsizing

Founder and CEO of Real Estate 55 Plus Juli Anne Gibson joins Suzanne to talk about more than 70 unique services that her company can provide, including estate sale services, that helps determine a road map for seniors, many of which are rightsizing into a new home.
Senior real estate home selling

Eight Tips for Selling Your Home in a Changing Market, Part 2

Continuing from part 1, here are more tips to make your home sale more successful in a changing real estate market. 2) Study your competition. 3) Price in the sweet spot. 4) Broken should have a multifaceted marketing plan. 5) Interview potential real estate brokers.

Senior Moving: Packing Options

Sean Joseph, CEO of Jordan River Moving & Storage, joins Suzanne to talk about the variety of options people have when packing for a move, as well as how to pack.

Things That Stop Us, with Daphne Davis

Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about the biggest thing she's been running into, which is people becoming paralyzed by their own fears,...

Senior Moving: Setting a Plan

Particularly for people who have mobility challenges or health issues and require special preparations, moving requires planning. Sean Joseph, CEO of Jordan River International Moving & Storage, joins Suzanne to talk how to plan for a move, especially if you're downsizing or moving into a senior living community.
Lisa Mayfield, CEO and founder of Aging Wisdom

Aging Life Care Advocates For Struggling Seniors

Geriatric care managers are essential advocates for navigating the path for senior loved ones with medical or mobility challenges. A geriatric care manager or aging life care professional consults with individuals and families who are navigating changes in health and memory. People are doing this work across the country to help navigate the complicated, overwhelming, confusing system that is long term care choices and memory changes, and what do people do while amid these changes. Lisa Mayfield, CEO and founder of Aging Wisdom, joins Suzanne to talk about how these consultants advocate for loved ones during these crossroads and transitions.

Top Ten Tips in Letting Go of the Family Home

This experience can be a gift to each one of you. It is an opportunity to reminisce and share with each other about your...