Medical care

Home Medical care
Veterans benefits 2022

VA benefits overview and the Pension program (Aid and Attendance), Part 1

If your loved ones have spent any time in the military, they may qualify for benefits you might not be aware with. Learn about veterans benefits, claims, and appeals under the current rules. This segment covers Accreditation, Discharge papers, and DOD (not VA) Form SF180,
Senior medical are

The Sharing Aspect of Medi-Share 65+

Different opinions and concepts can come together to create something better. Medi-Share President and CEO Brandon Harvath joins Suzanne to talk about the resources of Medi-Share 65+, an option for Seniors 65 and older with Medicare Parts A & B. Medi-Share 65+ will share in any medical expenses that are covered by Medicare.

With a Little Help: Making the Transition, with Shawn D’Amelio

Shawn D'Amelio talks about CarePartners Living partnerships such as With A Little Help. It's helpful to have a partner during the transition from in-home...

34th Annual Alzheimer’s Regional Conference with Bob Le Roy

Bob Le Roy, executive director of the Alzheimer's Association, Washington State Chapter, talks about Discovery 2019, the 34th Annual Alzheimer's Regional Conference. The conference's...
Angelia Brigance

Keeping Senior Care Staff and Residents Safe, with Angelia Brigance

Angelia Brigance describes the methods used to keep senior care staff and residents safe during the pandemic, and the various stages of reopening. Allowing...

Financing at The Smile Store

Stephen DePiro is vice president and clinical director of The Smile Store, which helps seniors with dental care. They provide dentures, partials, implant alternatives, and...
Benefits for veterans 2022

Overview of VA Long Term Care Services

Elder law attorney Jim Koewler joins Suzanne to talk about presumptive qualifications for VA Compensation, particularly service during Vietnam, in which veterans are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange if certain disabilities have occurred. At the 6 minute point, Jim talks about services administered through the health side of the Department of Veterans Affairs, the same group that runs the VA hospital.

Medicare Answers, part 3 with Jim Koewler

In this hour, Elder Law and special needs attorney Jim Koewler answers questions about the daunting world of Medicare. Medicare pays 80% of covered costs, and this segment focuses on how you choose to pay for the remaining 20%, clarifying the differences between Medicare Advantage and the supplement program.
Christian Care Ministry CEO Brandon Harvath

Medi-Share 65+ Foundational Principles

Christian Care Ministry President and CEO Brandon Harvath joins Suzanne to describe the four foundational principles of the Medicare resource Medi-Share 65+.
Senior medical are

Medi-Share 65+ and Christian Care Ministry

Navigating healthcare is a challenge for seniors, who are sometimes faced with overwhelming situating and confusing options. This hour, Suzanne is joined by Christian Care Ministry President and CEO Brandon Harvath. Christian Care Ministry is the non-profit association of churches that manages Medi-Share.