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Medicare Answers, part 2 with Jim Koewler

In this hour, Elder Law and special needs attorney Jim Koewler answers questions about the daunting world of Medicare. This segment focuses on the differences between the various parts - A, B, C, and D, the big four parts of Medicare. Part A is free if you paid into it while working, and covers 80% of hospitalization costs with a 0 premium. Part B covers non-admission-related hospital costs such as visits by doctors and specialists, paid for with a deduction from social security payments. Part C are advantage plans, which if you elect one would replace your Part A and B options and includes Part D features, covering a lot but not necessarily covering it well. Part D is prescription drug coverage.

Medicare Answers, part 1 with Jim Koewler

In this hour, Elder Law and special needs attorney Jim Koewler answers questions about the daunting world of Medicare. This segment provides an overview of Medicare, the Federally-funded health insurance for people 65 or over. If you're approaching your 65th birthday, start thinking about this: you can sign up three months prior to and up to three months after your birthday. Don't miss that magic window, at it results in getting an annual late-fee penalty, and you might not be able to get the health insurance that you want to go with your Medicare. Medicare covers 80% of covered health costs; vision and dental aren't covered unless they're considered medical treatments.
Angelia Brigance

Keeping Senior Care Staff and Residents Safe, with Angelia Brigance

Angelia Brigance describes the methods used to keep senior care staff and residents safe during the pandemic, and the various stages of reopening. Allowing...
Angelia Brigance

Effects of Pandemic on Dementia Patients, with Angelia Brigance

COVID-19 has affected dementia patients, with their symptoms being mildly more pronounced from the disruptions to their daily routines, as they're no longer participating...

Rehabilitative Care at Warm Beach Senior Community, with Scott Ernst

The Warm Beach Senior Community provides post acute and rehabilitative care following hospitalization. Scott Ernst says they fulfill the need for skilled nursing and...

Dementia and Family Conflicts, with Lisa Mayfield

Lisa Mayfield, founder and geriatric care manager of Aging Wisdom, talks about facing family dynamics and conflicts. Even in families where all have tight...

With a Little Help: Homecare Associates, with Shawn D’Amelio

Shawn D'Amelio talks about CarePartners Living partnerships such as With A Little Help. She is the VP of Washington State Homecare Association, which is...

With a Little Help: Making the Transition, with Shawn D’Amelio

Shawn D'Amelio talks about CarePartners Living partnerships such as With A Little Help. It's helpful to have a partner during the transition from in-home...

Things That Stop Us, with Daphne Davis

Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements talks about the biggest thing she's been running into, which is people becoming paralyzed by their own fears,...
Kelley Smith

Dementia: Retaining freedom and dignity, with Kelley Smith

Kelley Smith, VP of sales and marketing at CarePartners Senior Living, talks at Discovery 2019, the 34th Annual Alzheimer's Regional Conference. CarePartners operates seven dementia-dedicated senior care facilities in Washington. Sometimes intervention happens too soon — it has to be the right marriage of timing and where seniors are in their journey.