Radio Show Podcasts
Florence Klein on Ageism
Octogenarian Florence Klein, author of "Under the Hat: Memoir of an Unstoppable Woman Trailblazer," joins Suzanne, talking about ageism and about being "old."
Under the Hat: Memoir of an Unstoppable Woman Trailblazer
Octogenarian Florence Klein, author of "Under the Hat: Memoir of an Unstoppable Woman Trailblazer," joins Suzanne. Florence was one of Philadelphia's first women stockbrokers, and the first woman real estate developer in America to renovate old factory buildings into historic condos. She volunteered in one of America's highest-security prisons, and started one of the first websites to help seniors in need. She talks about marketing her memoir as her sixth career.
Dementia: When Traumatic Memories Surface
Alzheimer's and dementia expert Forrest Stepnowski joins Suzanne to talk about dementia, particularly when someone with dementia has gone through a traumatic event. Forrest is CarePartners Living's Executive Director of The Cottages at Renton, in Seattle.
Dementia: Learning to Speak the Language
Alzheimer's and dementia expert Forrest Stepnowski joins Suzanne to talk about learning to communicate better with those who have dementia. Forrest is CarePartners Living's Executive Director of The Cottages at Renton, in Seattle.
Action Steps For Better Retirement Planning
People who've been retired for a while say they wish they'd saved more of their money and invested it more. They also advise to keep investing in yourself, learning how to do your job better, which gives far better returns than anything you'll get from the investment markets. Retirement Watch CEO Bob Carlson provides Suzanne with action steps to improve you retirement planning. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Top 2 Fails in Retirement Planning
Many people fail when it comes to the non-financial aspects of retirement planning, and many miscalculate their longevity, outliving their money. Retirement Watch CEO Bob Carlson joins Suzanne to talk about these aspects of planning. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Retirement Has Changed, And Will Change Again
Bob Carlson joins Suzanne to talk about senior retirement finances. Retirement has changed multiple times, and you can expect the details to change again before you retire, meaning you need to keep up or it can cost you a lot of money. Bob talks about changes to Medicare, inflation, and interest rates that affect retirement planning. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Finances: The Retirement Squeeze
If you're adequately prepared, you can live a fulfilling life long into your senior years. Bob Carlson joins Suzanne to talk about senior retirement finances, noting that people haven't realized or properly planned for what their real life expectancy turned out to be. Bob's Retirement Watch newsletter is a staple of our partner Salem Media. Financial wellness is one of the 8 foundational principles of wellness, part of the Vitality Revolution podcast series sponsored by Humana.
Asset Management Example for Long Term Care
There are different ways you can remain solvent in your aging years, and there are techniques to maintain and preserve assets. Estate planning specialist David T. Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about the three types of leveraged care solutions and to provide an example of how they work.
Asset Management for Long Term Care
According to AARP, 90% of Seniors would prefer to be cared for in their homes. What have seniors done to make sure this happens? Estate planning specialist David T. Phillips joins Suzanne to talk about long term care strategies to make sure you have care in your later life.